V.A.T.S. slow show up

Post » Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:00 am


First of all I am from the Netherlands so don't judge me on my writing :P

Okay, when playing NV and I am using the VATS system it takes a couple of seconds before I can click and switch body parts and see the amount of % on each body type.
When I am seeing ingame movies and people start using VATS they can instantly click on the different body parts etc.

So the problem is that it takes a couple of second before I can actually use the 'content' of the VATS ( choosing body parts etc) and not instantly after I clicked on the VATS button om my keyboard.
The camera already goes into 'VATS mode' when I am hitting the button, and I do see already a glowing area around the enemy but can't choose body parts.

Any thoughts about what the problem could be why there is a delay of choosing body parts?
I hope I am specific enough...

I have a high end computer and everything is set on ultra high.

Thanks in advance,

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Arrogant SId
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Post » Thu Mar 11, 2010 8:32 am

I have that problem when I set my antialiasing above 2 and my multisampling above 10. Below those and it pops up pretty fast most of the time.
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Kirsty Wood
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Post » Thu Mar 11, 2010 8:08 am

Known about for a long time. IICR it is intentional to help prevent crashes. The instant Vats you see in videos is a side effect while recording. Duno all the details but in short, what you are seeing is "normal".
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Yvonne Gruening
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