» Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:25 am
I level as slowly as possible too. The only leveling mod I use is Kobu's level slowing - I either use 1.5X or 2X. They do the same thing Progress does, except across the board - all skills require 1.5 or 2 times the experience to increase. I've played around a bit with Progress, but I've adapted to the way the skills increase by default and have figured out which ones to use to slow my leveling, and I'd have to relearn the system if I started rearranging the rate of increase of individual skills, so I haven't used it much.
My basic strategy is to combine slow-increasing skills and little-used to unused skills. And I can't say enough about specialization - it's often overlooked by people, but is, I think, arguably the single most important part of the build. The rate of increase of a specialization major is more than twice as fast as that of a non-specialization minor. Unless it's a terribly slow skill (like Mercantile), I never have specialization majors in my build. Instead, I combine non-spec majors and spec minors.
Virtually all of my characters get Restoration, Mercantile and Marksman as majors, just because they increase very slowly. I generally pick either Acrobatics or Athletics - whichever one is NOT the one governed by the specialization I pick. I pick Armorer with a stealth spec, but leave it as a minor and train it with a combat spec. I often pick Destruction and Mysticism with non-mage characters, since they have useful apprentice level effects and they're easy skills to not use. I never pick Alchemy, but that's because I spam potions for cash, so it increases plenty fast enough anyway (I can get it past Journeyman level just from potion making in the IC, Chorrol and Skingrad, and generally have it at Expert level by the time I've done one lap of the map and done the MG recommendations, and that's as a non-spec minor). Sneak's a pretty good one, and I'll often use it with a combat spec. Occasionally even with a stealth spec, if the character has enough other slow majors to get away with it. Armor and weapon skills depend on the character. Heavy armor tanks are easy - make both heavy armor and the weapon skill minors and use a combat spec, and you'll get nice skill increases without adding to leveling progress at all. Light armor fighters are a bit tougher, since light armor is a stealth spec and melee weapons are combat spec. I generally split them up so that one's a spec minor and the other's a non-spec major, but if I really want to slow leveling, I leave them both as minors. That's a bit risky, since light armor doesn't provide a whole lot of protection anyway, but I find that with a character who fights melee a lot, it still increases fast enough as a non-spec minor to get by.
My most common fighter/thief/assassin/whatever build is probably something like: Mercantile, Restoration, Destruction, Mysticism, Marksman, Acrobatics and either Sneak or Light Armor, with a combat spec.