He commented on the merging of armor pieces [said Norse style armors resulted in the pants/greaves (specifically used the word pants :shrug:) resulted in pants ending up making up only 5 % of the viewable armor, so they merged it due to it being superfluous, so nothing new there).
On the topic of PC modding, Todd mentioned how important he felt it was and how they liked seeing the community do such things. He also said that bringing it over to consoles would be quite simple as the code for modded materials would easily translate into the console versions and he mentioned how he would like to get that done, but mentioned that it will not be possible on release due to the standard problems with third-party content on consoles, so, again, there's nothing new there.
On the topic of balancing such an enormous game, Todd mentioned everyone on the team playing the game a lot and seeing what worked and what didn't work (something a long those lines). He also mentioend something about a "heat" system that tracked what everyone did and where they went when they played it, so that sounded kind of cool for a possible manner of seeing what most interested the developers playing it. Todd didn't say anything regarding if they used the data for anything or how, but I got the impression that they did pay attention to it while developing and polishing the game. I can't remember much more than that, but there was no new information about the game, there... just an interesting discussion on the game's development.
I only remember a fourth topic of the six (Sorry, guys/gals. I wish I could remember more, but it's not coming to me, right now.) and this is the only one where I believe we've gotten a new piece of information about the gameplay (or it's new to me, at least). Todd mentioned that they looked at the attack and defend system of melee combat and decided to apply it to the magic system, in Skyrim. Skyrim has specific types of spells called wards that function as a pure mage's shield, in a way. They can deflect magic, but can be broken through by a powerful enough spells and successfully breaking through a ward causes the ward's user to stagger.