In the previous Elder Scrolls, we had no children, we got children now so it kinda adds a bit more detail to the world, but if there was something that got me more confused was... Where on Earth(Or Tamriel*cough*) do the people of Tamriel go to go number two? As strange as it may seem, this is one weird thing I noticed that there is no toilets or shape or form where the races can go.. It seems they got a place to go sleep, eat, drink yet no toilets. Unless they have all been keeping it in(Would explain the faces pulled during the persuasion wheel in Oblivion :spotted owl: ), but it would be nice to see small details like this in the world, I hate pulling out this card but it would add to immersion. I know it is a game, but again it would be nice to see details.
For sake of discussion... What small details would you like included?