» Fri May 27, 2011 12:20 pm
I very highly recommend closing all the Oblivion Gates you find. Why?
1. Rare ingredients for Alchemy (Including monster ingredients that are only found in oblivion and a few caves)
2. A good challenge and practice for the Big Gate
3. Excellent Loot (15% Magic Resist ring ftw)
4. At higher levels Daedric armor (Which is worth tons) is pretty common
5. Dremora weapons and armor
6. Sigil stones give powerful enchantments. You get one for each gate you close.
And yes, gates can be closed. To close it you must proceed to the top of the main tower in the Oblivion plane and Take the sigil stone. Its not as easy as it sounds, however. Sometimes you need to open gates, go through caves, battle lots of enemies, and dodge traps and lava. Don't let that deter you, though, its well worth it! Also, closing the random Oblivion Gates (The ones not right outside the city) will have no significant effects on the game. Closing the ones outside cities will help you in the quest Allies for Bruma.