Small Little Things You Like In FO4

Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:18 pm

So, what are some small little details you generally enjoy in FO4 so far? Could be minor improvements, small details while exploring the world, and so on...

I have a few that I enjoy myself quite nice:

1. You can jump directly out of the water... Instead of swimming around for a staircase or something like that. You can just go directly up and jump clear out of the water.

2. Bethesda encouraging climbing once again. Some people might not notice this but in the early TES games, like Morrowind, Bethesda hid a lot of things in high places for levitation users to get to. They hadn't seem to done so again from then onward. In Fallout 4 though, they seem to encouraging this, especially within or near settlements. As I've found plenty of special loot on high to reach places in the game's world that require you to build tall buildings/staircases in settlements or require you to use the jetpack (or both even). There's also hidden loot in certain areas that even requires exploits! (wall climbing anyone?). I really enjoy this and am really keeping my eye open for possible hidden areas in the "sky".

3. Sentry guns built at settlements do level up. If you hadn't pay much attention, when you place a sentry gun, like the heavy ones. It'll say "MK I" on it. After it makes so many kills, it'll level up. I have plenty of sentry guns in my settlements that are now "MK V" or "MK III".

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Jarrett Willis
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:49 pm

In Concord there is a building with ***ing mannequins with weapons surrounding a skeleton in a bathtubs and the skull has been several and dunked into the toilet, while in the bed in the room next to it like a skeleton with another mannequin.

If you refuse to help Paul Pembroke intimidate the barkeep of the Colonial Taphouse, you will find his wife looking for him in Diamond City, saying that he has gone missing.

Weapon and ammo pickups are perfectly spaced out, where I find myself switching my loadout for legendary perks or loss of ammo.

There was a bear underneath a bridge near the drive-in. I tried to kill it, but eventually decided to go around after dying 10 times. I come back a day of in-game time later and I saw my first super mutant and a mutant dog next to the dead bear. It went down while I was not looking and I was so super cool with that.

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Haley Merkley
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 2:18 am

Being able to move around, look away, and do other things in dialog. It feels so smooth and natural. Same with the quickloot feature.

None of the faction leaders are essential. You can kill them just as soon as look at them. Which I've done.

The random encounter with the guy named Art.

Walking underwater in Power Armor feels so badass.

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Louise Andrew
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:05 pm

I like the Third Rail in Goodneighbor, with its lounge singer. Her original songs are a real treat to sit and listen to... Sure wish the player could be animated for drinking and such while at bars and such.

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Georgia Fullalove
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:03 pm

I know in this day and age being positive and actually liking stuff is not what the cool kids do. If you want to be popular you have to complain all the time and be negative and talk about how much better things could have been done...

But, I'm to old to care about being cool or fitting in, and I love Fallout 4. So here we go!

- I think the new perk system is amazing and so much better than the Skills system

I found that the new system added to the story that made my character. My particular Special build was not very good to start off the game, and as a result the things I did reflected that. I spent the first 10 levels being a scavenger and collecting stuff, spending my perks on things that allowed me to better gather supplies.

From level 15 and on, however, I started building my character into the scientist I envisioned, she started to take on a more evolving personality and started doing quests that represented that, still avoiding large scale combat because of the whole 2 endurance and 2 agility thing with no perks spent in combat.

I would simply overpower my enemies by having superior guns, because I had supplies I had scavenged and I had smarts.

By the time I got gun nut level 3 and science level 3 and had several good quality weapons crafted, I finally started spending points in upping my agility and getting the perks for pistols and vats and all that fun stuff. I crafted most of my stuff into pistols as a result of that choice, so my 'Righteous Authority' Laser Rifle became an over the top powerful long laser pistol.

At this point I was ready to take on the world and started doing the more aggressive missions of the game. No longer did I need to rely on just my brain and lock pick skills, but I could take out an entire room with my newly crafted pistols that only a truly awesome scientist character could make... All built off those first 10 levels I spent building a scavenger.

I love how that story comes from the gameplay dynamic in a way that Skills never did. I love even more that if I create a different Special build in my next playthrough, I am going to be seeing the game from a totally different order as a result. I might be more brave, but I also won't have the master lockpick perk the very second it becomes available.

- Customizing weapons is great

- Jetpack power armor with upgraded legs that shoot out fire when I slam onto the ground

- The Enclave armor actually looks good for the first time in any Fallout game other than 2

- Dialogue system that isn't ugly and leaves the options I don't choose a mystery to be unlocked my next play through

It is an artistic choice that improves the pace of the game and makes it easier to stay in character. If I am playing a character that is a real 'Goody Two Shoes' and always does the right thing, then I don't want to have to read through a sarcastic option that says, 'Oh, I would totally love to get shot up by mutants for you' or a mean option that says, 'I don't have time to help your hole in the ground settlement, you are probably just going to die anyways'. That kind of stuff throws you out of the character that you are in.

And then when I do play a second playthrough, if the game is like New Vegas and has everything written out on the screen, then I already know everything my sarcastic jerk character is going to say, because I had to read it when I was playing a goody two shoes character... No surprise, so why even play the game a second time when everything was shown to me the first time.

The sarcasm option is great, because it is always a surprise, it wouldn't be fun if I always read it first.

- The intro in the pre-bomb world before going into the Vault is really good storytelling

- The Silver Shroud

- Only one major bug that has bothered me in 100+ hours

I've counted about 4 total bugs and one instance where my frame rate dropped on me. Considering I am running the game on ultra on a 6 year old PC, and that I am over 100 hours into the game, that is a 10/10 for stability in my book.

- Interesting characters

So many cool characters, but I don't want to mention spoilers and stuff, but everyone has their unique stories and personalities. It is very interesting getting to know them all, even the villains. I actually felt bad picking a side because I had come to like the characters that I was going to have to go up against... I didn't particularly want to support their mission, but they were good people and I didn't want to hurt them.

I will mention one name but no spoilers... Danse... because his reactions at a certain point in the game were just awesome in my personal opinion and I will probably never forget that conversation with Arthur.

- Music in the Third Rail in Goodneighbor

New music just for Fallout and a character to sing it all, awesome!

- The overall vibe of Goodneighbor in general

- The first trip into the Glowing Sea is really fun

The build up to going into this forbidden area of danger was awesome, actually having to supply myself and my companion with hazmat suits and all that fun stuff. Then going into this area that looked nothing like the rest of the game and fighting these giant deathclaw that were way more powerful than me.

I had some great experiences fighting those deathclaw and barely surviving by blowing up a car right next to one of them, only to seconds later have it pop back up and rip the arm off my power armor and having to use my last 4 shots from my 44 magnum to headshot and stun it in Vats while I ran far enough away to drop a plasma mine before sprinting the hell out of there.

- Cool hats

People in the real world should all wear fedoras...

- The Silver Shroud again

- Hard choices when you have to choose between factions

- Vats is fun, though not always useful, it is cinematic and fun

- Controller support for the PC version of the game

It is great to just plug in a controller and play, where other pc games I want to play with a controller require me to custom set everything up with an outside program. It is nice that Bethesda cares about pc gamers that like controllers in such a way.

- Deathclaw animations

- Deathclaw animations in slow motion as I gun them down with a laser gatling gun

- The missions where you plant MILA for Tinker Tom and have to climb to places I wouldn't normal go

- The robots are really cool

- 100+ hours before I got bored, more than I have ever played a videogame

I have never played any videogame that long before, ever, but during those first 90 hours I was svcked into this game. I would go to work thinking about it and come home and just play Fallout 4, forget to eat and everything. After about 90 hours I was no longer svcked into the game as much, but it is still fun and there is still plenty more for me to do before I get bored.

- Works on old computers

I was worried that my 6 year old computer wouldn't run current generation games too well, but I have not only been running the game, but I have been running it on ultra. Thank you Bethesda for making a game that doesn't require a crazy expensive new PC to run!

- Vault 81 is really cool

- Mini-nukes

- So much variety in ways to play

- The new layered armor is great

- Voice actors, especially the player character

The quality of the voice acting allows this game to have emotion on a level none of the previous games in the series had. It no longer feels like people are just talking 'at' you, but that there is actually a real interaction going on.

- Building skyscraqers in Sanctuary Hill because I can

- The idea of settlement building in general

- Collecting trash and turning it into treasures

- The game is an incredibly pallet to build off of with mods to make anyone's dreams come true

As someone who makes mods, I am going to have sooooooo much fun with this game. There is so much more I can do with what the vanilla game gives us than any game in the past. It is almost hard to decide whether I want to focus on power armors or settlements or weapon crafting or quests or companions.

My ideas multiply by the minute, and I know 4 years from now this game will still be amazing. The vanilla game is amazing and I got way more than my $60 worth out of it, but now we are free to chase our dreams and build what we are destined to build.

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Eddie Howe
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:46 pm

Totally not cool, man! :wink_smile:

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Jade Muggeridge
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:31 pm

Oh yeah, the opening sequence up to emerging from Vault 111 was amazing. It hits you huge right off the bat. And I honestly don't feel like there's a huge sense of urgency to it, either, so it's more okay to go side-questing and do other things. In Fallout 3 I was sent out of the vault right on the heels of my dad, and that's exactly why I left the vault in the first place - so it feels a little odd to just jump into wasteland life and defuse the bomb in Megaton or help write the Wasteland Survival Guide immediately after getting booted from Vault 101. But in this one, my character doesn't know how long it's been since my kid got kidnapped, and I'm immediately faced with a group of settlers in desperate need of help. And they only give me a vague "go to Diamond City" goal after bailing them out, so I dunno... it just sort of feels like it can wait, and I've missed that from a lot of other Bethesda games.

And I'm really impressed with the voice acting. It seems like most unique characters have a unique voice (not necessarily unique VA, but I couldn't tell without looking at the cast list), although you do hear repeating voices in generic NPCs. It's a huge improvement from prior Bethesda games.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:18 pm

Random teddy bears or mannequins in weird positions, walking underwater with power armor, jumping of the Prydwen with power armor, sneaking around and listening to raiders (they have some interesting things to say), the silver shroud (and another certain comic book character's gear), the comic books, holotape games (rarely play em, but still cool), USS Constitution (Damned savings and loan!).

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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 2:15 am

-The effect of rain on you and npcs

-everything about power armour, the hud, the feeling of weight, the lack of fall damage giving many fun ways to get around, the way your character and npcs holds weapons diffrently to reflect the armours added strength.

-the changes to dialogues depending on ya actions, like say piper reminding you to do the interview if you haven't done it up to a point in the main quest.

Im sure I could list many more, but I'm to busy playing the game ;p

Edit: almost forgot, dogmeat and all the details around him, from his sneak stance to his playtime with teddybears.
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:18 pm

That doesn't seem like a very significant change based on the player character's actions. More so an NPC reminding you to do their quest. Something quest givers tend to do in RPGs.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:29 pm

Didn't claim it was significant, but its still a nice touch in my book, especially since its in a actual dialogue, not just a random sound clip triggered because you passed the NPC on the street.
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Ally Chimienti
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:21 pm

Oh the irony of saying that a change is not 'significant' enough to be listen in a topic titled ' Small Little things you like about Fallout 4'

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Benito Martinez
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:56 pm

adustable zoom levels for your riflescopes 3 levels for long 2 for medium and 1 for short

a on/ off togle for nightvision scopes

pretty sure as soon the creationkit comes out modders will do this with the sciptextender

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:11 pm

  • Being able to change your pip boy flashlight based on your UI color
  • Magnetic surfaces when it comes to placing lights in settlement mode
  • Quick looting
  • The Cover system
  • The take-down animations
  • Dogmeat's immobilizing attacks
  • sub surface scattering
  • The trains
  • How power armor opens up
  • Magazine art
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Matt Gammond
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:57 pm

:wink_smile: B) I love Fallout 4 ! :wink_smile: B)

  • 150+ hrs in and still finding new things
  • Lots of locations with Faction vs Faction fights
  • Being able to see inside containers/bodies
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Liv Brown
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:20 pm

- Raiders joking with each other, like when one says s/he's gonna lay off the jet.

- Raider shouts in anger after you kill one of their's.

- Raiders talk about how I wrecked some of the gangs they know.

- Found a note of a Raider warning his friend to move her bed downstairs because she was sleep walking. You find a corpse of a female raider on the stairs.

- Mole Rats and Radscorpions going underground.

- Wild Dogs will run away and hide sometimes when you get to a place they cannot reach. They will wait for you to come down to attack you.

- Wellingham.

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Roy Harris
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 12:59 am

How did I miss this one? That was one of the best features ever in any game in the history of the videogame industry. Bethesda disserves a medal for this.

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stevie trent
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:29 pm

In all fairness, this system has been around for a while. You can see it in games like Diablo or Bioshock. It was good of them to incorporate it into Fallout though, it really helps keep things moving.

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Angel Torres
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:55 pm

More so wondering its significance on the level of being a small little thing to like. Just saying, it sounded like a typical quest reminder to me. But I didn't know it was delivered in actual dialogue as was pointed out in a reply. So perhaps now I can understand why that could be a small thing to like in remmus's book.

But I'm not going to derail this thread any further than I already have, so I'm just going to contribute my two cents:

1. Perhaps no one else may think much of it, but I really like the feature of being able to name my own weapon. Brings me back to using the unique weapons of previous games, only that I am making them and giving them the clever names.

2. Elevators. I love exploring some street or some building and all of a sudden see an elevator that further distracts me and takes me to an entirely different area to explore. Be this an elevator in some random building that leads to connected roof tops, or a lift that leads to the awesome highways I love walking on. And best of all, they have no loading screens so it feels authentic when using them.
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:02 am

Characters sometimes smoke if they have cigarettes in their inventory. I don't even like smoking, but I thought it was such a nice little way to bring life to one of the most common things I still find in the wasteland.

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Amy Smith
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:52 pm

Every time I go into a building and explore the .... toilets.

There is humour there, more often than not. A closed cubical is just as much fun opening to me as a opening a lunchbox.

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El Goose
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:50 pm

The teddy bears are fun.

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James Wilson
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:22 pm

Yep! Especially with Dogmeat. The little things like that in this game are awesome. *slight spoiler* I was at Wicked Shipping Fleet Lockup and released the protectron, set it to construction mode to see what it did and because I was wearing a hard hat at the time it said something like "thank you for complying with safety building regulations" lol.

Also found a Jangles the space monkey the other day and as much as it freaks me out, I have it sitting on a shelf over my bed.

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luke trodden
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:42 pm

There is a multi-storey car park opposite the hospital you visit at the end of the silver shroud mission. Inside is kind of a maze full of traps and after reaching reaching the top there was a choice of prize. While exploring this maze I was purposely going in the wrong directions to explore and came across a trap room with a Christmas tree in it, I opened my pipboy and it was actually Christmas day in game. It might have been a coincidence that I was exploring that place on that day but it was a nice place to find and explore anyway.
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 2:37 am

Yeah that's awesome!

I once was on a tour with Cate. After some time I wanted to chat with her and she was smoking a cigarette. I was like "What the...where do you have found those?!". So I checked her inventory and found a pack of cigarettes she looted in some location. Loved it!

Further things:

- Supermutans and Raiders telling each other stories. Especially the one story of that guy who was throwing rocks and made grenade noises a Raider tells to another Raider on the outskirts of the Brewery. I was like "Wow! Raiders are just humans as well, maybe i should let them live...Dogmeat, fuc*ing cur! Don't you rip his throat open! Bad dog! Bad dog!"

- Dogmeat yawning if you do nothing and than play with a teddy or something. Awwwww...sweet doggy!

- Vertiberds getting highjacked by Gunners. Stupid BoS...

- Preston having a chat with settlers in Sanctuary

- Teddies and manequins (Ted taking a dump with a newspaper in his hands..I was like "Wtf...?!"

- "The flashing-light goes down from the sky-wtf?!"-script event. Loved the search for the object and everything (don't want to spoiler to much, if you don't know what I mean and want to know, pm me!)

- Jumping from everything you want in your PA. BOOOOM!!!! Oh yeah baby! Here I come!

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