A Small Mystery Solved: Sit Idle Packages

Post » Mon Jul 14, 2014 6:38 am

Has anyone apart from me been baffled by the fact that you can set up a "Sit" package, drop it on an alias, link the target to another alias and then watch your actors totally ignore it?

Well I finally found out why: The Sit package has zero duration and doesn't expose duration as a variable. So the package starts, stops and you never notice it at all.

Surely this is a bug? I mean, there may be an SitForAliasesWithDuration package that I just never noticed that we're supposed to use ... but what's the point in making the duration private?

Anyway, just thought I'd share...


Not so solved as I thought... I copied the Sit template, exposed the wait param and gave my derived package 14400 seconds duration. Exactly the same thing thing happened: started and immediately stopped. So I set the duration at the template level - same result.

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Beulah Bell
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Post » Mon Jul 14, 2014 1:39 am

What do you mean "the sit package has zero duration"? Are you sure the package wasn't interrupted by another one?

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Kaylee Campbell
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Post » Mon Jul 14, 2014 2:09 am

If you look at the Sit package template, it's paired with a wait. The wiki recommends this approach since sit by itself apparently never terminates, and they recommend using wait to set a duration. Only so far as I can see the diration parameter for "wait" is zero. Which looking again at the wiki ... means the wait never completes. Damn. So that's not it.

How I'm testing this: I have a test cell with a leaning marker and a kneeling maker. An actor is linked to the lean marker, but next to him is a button. The button starts a quest that has the actor as an alias and also the kneeling marker. When the quest starts, the alias fills, the package activates, and then immediately deactivates again. At least that's what the messagebox script fragments are telling me.

It's hard to see what could be interrupting the actor.

I just tested it again with a raw Sit procedure and that works just as I'd expect. It's possible that I'd set the package radius too tight (the working one lists the cell as the location). I might try that again with the proper sit template and see if that was it.

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