» Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:20 am
I probably played some part of Crysis I over and over again. Using stealth while driving a random car inside a Korean base was priceless, i loved it.
I finished 2 times crysis 2 SP and i wont play it again. Reasons are:
-The game is boring
-The AI of some mobs/patrols is pathetic..
-Should i talk about the differences between the difficulty modes in this game?
-Give me a final boss to kill, thats not CoD or some other FPS based on the "reality"?
-Like KING_OF_SAND said: even when you are playing on the hardest setting the game still tells you when you should use your nanosute. Stop telling me that there are tactical options available if i don't push the visor button after 1 min? If i play at "hard" or "super-hard" i need to find a way to kill the enemies, i don't want any tips.
In other words i prefer the multiplayer, at least for now.
P.s.= The final "movie", if you watch it in italian, doesn't have the sound (Alcatraz doesn't talk at all, he just move his mouth a lot).