Small Tweaks I would Make to the Game

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:29 am

I would do a few things to tweak the game a bit to make it what I think is better

- Dragons buffed in power. They should be more powerful than any creature in Skyrim
- Dragons allowed to do more shouts than just the destruction shouts they always use
- Less Dragons if you fast travel a lot
- Vendors dont sell any rare items used for crafting like Daedra hearts
- Vendors sell less crafting materials forcing the player to get more of them by exploring the world
- Hard caps on bonuses to gear you make crafting
- Crafting fixed so that you cant level to 100 by making a low level item like an iron dagger

The game is pretty great. I think just a few things could make it even better

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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:25 pm

Dragons are plenty tough, just wait until you fight elder dragons. Unless you are OP from crafting that is, I like to find a happy balance from being OP and being weak, on master difficulty. But with this new no resistance bug, I don't stand a chance against elder dragons without my resistances. Pain in the ass.

I would also like a vampire questline/guild, which could change some of the abilities you get.

Addition of 1h crossbows would be nice to (under archery skill), maybe some throwing knifes/axes to.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:51 am

Good list, I agree. Alchemists seem to sell almost all (or literally all?) the rare items you need to create potions, and restock ALOT. Almost makes searching for ingredients pointless.
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Lance Vannortwick
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