Tested this out this evening. Nothing different in the speech options, but oh my god, I checked all the dialogue options in every city except Raiders, Navarro, San Fran, and Military base and I must say I've never laughed so much in a video game.

A few of them:
"Sheriff Marion: You're a few fries short of a Happy Meal, aren't you?"
"Mayor Ascorti: There's plenty of magic in those slot machines, go give it a try"
"First Citizen Lynette: That must be your IQ on your jumpsuit, not a Vault number." (LOL!)
"Marcus: You wanna fight ME?"
"Broken Hills Cave Guy: Oh no! I've slept so long the world has turned stupid! Aieeeeeeeeee! ::he flees in panic::"
"Boxing Stuart: Buzz off, *******, you're wasting my time.
Player: Bzzz-Bzzz"
"Corsican Brother: Awright, brainiac. Pay's 5..er...3 chips for one shoot. Get into the backroom and wax that fella's shaft.
Player: Shaft...He's one bad mutha---
Corsican Brother: Shut your mouth!
Player: But it's shaft!
Corsican Brother: I can dig it."
Hahaha, my God this game was so cruel against the mentally challenged. Just imagine how hard those guys who complained about that Ben Stiller movie (Tropic thunder or something?) if they saw the kind of bile in this game towards low IN characters.