Todd said something like "Player adds int in order to get more magicka. Y GAME BEING SO CONFUSING? lets just replace the word int to the word magicka and problem solved "
I do not agree with todd, and i think he missed the fact that attrivutes are not only used for status improvement. They are role playing aspect. When I play a High Elf want to know that my race is smarter than other races. When attributes are on - My high elf IS smarter, and I can go around the world and mock other races based on the fact im smarter than them(because Im an high elf BIATCH). When attributes are off, my high elf is just a more magicka kind of guy. People will miss the point of difference between races - yes, because the difference between the races is not "who is stronger" or "who has more magic power", those are just sub-differences. The main difference is the attributes. Everything lies on that. Orcs need to have low personality in order to act so rude. Bosmers need to have high agility in order to justify their fit with nature, etc.
Ofcurse, what I intend to do is to pretend that high elves are still smarter, orcs are still dumber and ruder, etc. But there will be nothing to back it up. And it can get to the point it will just feel silly pretending its true.