Happy New Year!
I've finally had a chance to try out 1.7 b/c. This is the first version I've used with the GUI, so I decided to try that out. Here is some feeback:
1. It would be nice if the GUI (and the command line) had an option to set a path to the directory you want to be using, rather than having to drop the two .exes into the Data Files folder. (It took me about three readthroughs of the GUI readme to figure out why only the GMST esms were showing up in the Data Files box... but I think that's my lack of reading comprehension rather than the fault of the readme.)
2. It would be fantastic to have a tick-box for both Reference and Selected Files to arrange them in date order (load order) rather than alphabetical order. I suppose this might be helpful for the Data Files box as well, but since that's just a list of files to select alphabetical order is probably the easiest way to use it.
3. It was a little disconcerting to move things back into the Data Files box and have them end up at the end of the list rather than their previous positions. On the other hand, this also meant I didn't have to hunt them down again, which was nice.
4. If it's possible to make the Data Files box not jump up to the top of the list after every move out or in, but instead keep the current scroll position, that would be helpful.
5. I'd love to see what's going on without having to tick "Approve Changes". Especially for a utility still in beta, I like to watch all that output scroll by... But I can accept that if I want this I should just use the command-line version.
6. Ditto with debugging -- I think a tickybox in the GUI would be handy, but I can accept that this should maybe be a command-line-only option.
Actual use, rather than UI, comments:
I am encountering crashes with merges involving http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=2707, but only when using the --choice All option. The last thing shown by --debug is "TES3_:.", so it's happening pretty early. I stripped out the other files I was merging and ended up with this command, which still gives me the crash:
SmartMerger.exe "Morrowind.esm" "Tribunal.esm" "Bloodmoon.esm" --reference --choice All --debug "Apprentice scrolls and mystical quills v1.4.esp" --plugin "Scrolls-Merged.esp"
Stripping out --choice All stops the crash. I should possibly mention that I was using the non-Cygwin command line. Any idea what is happening?
I'm also getting a weird crash with this command:
SmartMerger.exe "Morrowind.esm" "Tribunal.esm" "Bloodmoon.esm" --reference --debug "PlainPaperFix_ALL.esp" "Apprentice scrolls and mystical quills v1.4.esp" --plugin "Scrolls-Merged.esp"
If I use PlainPaperFix_ALL.esp (I'm using http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=4020, all-expansions version) alone, no crash. This is really odd to me, since it comes first in this merge order and SmartMerger never gets to Apprentice scrolls... If I switch the order of the two mods, SmartMerger crashes with Apprentice scrolls (now first) instead. This seems so weird that I kinda suspect I'm doing something wrong. TESPCD reports no conflicts between the two, so merging them should be trivial.