Another good post! Please for the love of FALLOUT someone MOD this if it is not implemented into the game already!
Another good post! Please for the love of FALLOUT someone MOD this if it is not implemented into the game already!
It could easily be implemented just from the voiced character. Like, you walk into a vault you just discovered and he's all, "ugh, it's stuffy in nothing's moved in this place in years."
It would be nice if there was a moment for 111.
111: It smell like something is burning?
scavenger: ya smell like pack of rotting ghouls...phew that brings tears to my old eyes. If i would have em.
111: Well i can't smell a thing. Sorry.
*gamer takes a moment to proces information*
Player: oh come on man. Either you can smell or not.
I'm really hoping for this sense as well as how it would/will play in the Charisma side of things.
I retract my earlier statement, apparently it isn't just you.
C'mon Pony, you know even implementing this into some form of "detection" or just small little voice overs would add a nice touch of immersion!
Okay, wait...would ghouls even have a smell?
It's not like they are actually rotting, right?
Ya know, that brings up a good point. I thought they were on a permanent slow simmer so I think they would be a constant "decomposition" smell. I think Bethesda has some explaining to do...
Maybe they smell like an old sweatsock filled with hamburger.
Although I think the best smelling out of the bunch would be Mirelurk, I LOVE SEAFOOD!!!
*Going through Mirelurk-nest*
SS: "Something smells... fishy here..."
Piper: "Oh my god I can't believe you just said that."
"Don't worry, Piper, if the mirelurks have any loot I'll share it. I'm not shellfish."
Smell is relative to your environment. In a clean place, smelling bad would make you noticeable. In a dirty place, smelling clean would make you noticeable. It's tricky and I think if implemented correctly, it could be interesting for creatures like dogs. But it seems kind of superfluous since we already have visibility based detection.
Not at all! I say let this be a "hardcoe" feature but I would do it strictly for the more immersion into this already immersive world!
A 100 years ago, we all stank. Deodorant is a relatively new invention for the human race, and the marketing of it did not really take off until the early 1900's. Heck, daily baths became common only in the past 60 to 70 years or so. So, we all stunk. We would all be stinky funky beings in a post apocalyptic world again.
But, but, but, but...
I can see it now, in the future. A bar of soap will become a rare resource. Like fuel, water, etc. I can imagine, someone somewhere hoarding bars of soap inside there home in all rooms, stacked high to the ceiling, even the attic and/or basemant. Of all brands, flavor/smell, etc. That person will definitely bank of serious money lol.
With the rarity of water, a bath would be very expensive.
AAAWWW discussion 2 shut down! BLAST AGAIN! Ok so seriously, we have a nose, why not let us put this to use in FALLOUT. A scented option could be revolutionary! Even if it excluded all horrible smells and just went for the pleasant smells of food and flowers!
My 16 year old GodDaughter has a plan to become a rich and powerful dealer in the zombie apocalypse by stocking up on toilet paper. She believes it will be worth 100 times its weight in gold!
I told her the problem will be the guys you hire to be your mercenary soldiers might turn on you and just take all your TP. She said she already thought of that. She will have the warehouse loaded with incendiary explosives and a remote control !
Where do these kids get these ideas???!!