Since I'm still working on my COTD mod I eventually had to look into Smite of Order again as it will in some form be included in that mod as well.
Unfortunately there are a few various problems with the current version (which by the way can be downloaded here: such as:
- Timer issues when switching cells when the spellbeam script is running its course
- Timer issues when loading the game at the "wrong" time
- Messy SpellBeam script dependant on Global variables instead of plain Object variables
- Messy Spell script (checking of conditions = drama)
- Force Push script does not work "directional". Everybody caught in the blast will be blown in the exact same direction. That pretty much violates all fundamental laws of physics even in Oblivion.
That and it's lacking a lot of features IMHO. Users can't configure the power of the spell (Can't set the blast range, can't set the blast power, can't toggle "turn victim into worthless skeleton" option off and so on). So I'm working on version two that will feature some extras as explained by this little youtube video I made in like 10 minutes (Yeah I know it's crappy, but it lists new features and shows the increased beamsize and a better finishing):
Versions of the current v1.0 version here:
So yeah to sum it all up, v2.0 should bring:
01. Better Error Handling:
Cell switching whenever the spell is running will mess up the timer and break the spell. This is probably because the script only runs when the player is in the same cell as the spellbeam (which happens to be an activator). As far as I know there is no way to have the script running constantly to keep the timers in check AND at the same time keep it synchronised to the animation. V2.0 will have a safeguard against this issue
02. Better Weather Handling:
Current Weather Handling is messy and unreliable. OBSE to the rescue for v2.0.
03. Better Visual Effects:
The current visuals aren't bad, but they can be better. I was thinking of throwing in a glyph so it looks all mystical

04. Multiple Beam Support:
Casting one of these monstrosities is fun, casting multiple is probably even more fun

05. Multiple Beam Colors:
Perfect example:
06. OBSE/ini configurable features:
I want players to be able to set how Smite of Order works.
07. Better Fatality
The spell needs a better finisher

That's it for now.
Suggestions, complaints, rants, you name it are very welcome
