Smith or Trader?

Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:39 pm

Hi guys!

I am a huge bloodmoon fan (if you follow the mod forums you would know this :D ) and I am recently playing through the bloodmoon expansion pack, building raven rock.

So while i am doing the quest I am planning ahead thinking - which one do I choose? smith or trader? Both have their benifits and downfalls but I thought I would see what everyone else thought.

Which would/have/should/will you choose?

please give reasons why you would choose one over the other!


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Claire Lynham
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Post » Fri Aug 12, 2011 12:02 am

I recently completed the EC questline for the first time, and I went with Trader. Doing it again, I'd probably pick Smith. I don't use the trader anyways, and while I don't buy repairs (at least not with this character), the smith would at least sell armorer's hammers.
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Brooke Turner
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Post » Fri Aug 12, 2011 12:22 am

I go with the trader because there are already several smiths on the island but no general traders. Although it would probably make more sense for a mining colony like Raven Rock to have both a trader (for supplies) and a smith (for mining tools).
Edit: I forgot to add something: you can sell weapons and armour to the trader but you can't sell general goods and various clutter to the smith. The trader is an all-round merchant.
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Jeff Tingler
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