Smithing and Enchanting Tips?

Post » Thu Sep 05, 2013 3:19 pm

I'm planning on using a Death Knight before I start doing any major quests.

I need to know quick and easy methods to level up smithing (ebony armor) and enchanting (powerful frost two handed sword and armor).

I don't care if they're exploits, but no Oghma Infinium glitch. I just prefer establishing my character builds before doing major quests.
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Chris Duncan
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Post » Thu Sep 05, 2013 4:34 pm

if you have Dawnguard to arrows and any type of other weapons then enchant them how you like and then sell them...repeat process

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Jose ordaz
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Post » Fri Sep 06, 2013 5:36 am

Smithing -- activate the warrior stone or the lover's stone, make jewelry, improve armor with fortify smithing enchanted gear and/or potions or if you have Hearthfire, building your houses will raise it pretty fast.

Enchanting -- activate the mage stone or the lover's stone, enchant stuff and learn as many new enchantments as you can find/buy.

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Stephanie Nieves
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Post » Thu Sep 05, 2013 1:17 pm

Thanks guys!

I found out going to a Dwarven Ruin and collecting the Dwarven Smithing Components lets you make tons of Dwarven Bows (provided you can reach Level 30 of Smithing) and nets a small profit selling it. But instead of selling I will go enchant it, then sell it, ought to net a good profit.

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Kim Kay
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Post » Thu Sep 05, 2013 10:55 pm

You have the right idea with Smithing. It's XP gains are based off of item value. The trick is... to get the most value from the least amount of material used. In the early levels, one must also consider the added base of 25 to every item crafted. That means that an Iron dagger , while noted as being worth 10 gold, will yield the XP from a value of 35. Compared to Iron Armor with 5 ingots, the XP gained from daggers will net 175 as opposed to the armor of 125.

And the Dwarven Bows are the next targeted item when you get the perk. It will take you to Ebony, where you can start crafting Ebony Bows. This is where the threshold is crossed to where you will benefit on a per Ingot to XP gain by improving the Ebony Bows as well. that will rocket you to 100 Smithing.

Enchanting is based off off a flat rate XP gain per item. no matter the enchantment, value of the item or the size of the gem being used. It's all the same. The best rule of thumb for Soul gem usage is...

Petty - Enchanting XP gain

Lesser - Enchanting XP gain

Common - Enchanting XP gain

Greater - Weapon / Stave recharging

Grand / Black - Enchanting gear you actually use

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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Thu Sep 05, 2013 6:27 pm

Thanks again.

So you're saying do Iron Daggers, then Dwarven Bows?

Also, use Petty/Lesser/Common Soul Gems to enchant and level up?

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james reed
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Post » Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:17 pm

In the very beginning, it is better to craft Iron daggers. That is... IF you don't want to increase the Alteration skill by using the Transmute Spell. I usually bypass that and just craft Iron gear as I don't normally have that many jewels in the early game. Chances are, one will be more apt to purchase Iron ingots than using iron ore to make them.

However, one can clearly see that two gold rings equates to 150 gold form a single ingot. So, the absolute best is that route. Provided turning iron ore into gold is ok with you and/or your character profile.

I mean you will still have to get the Steel perk and you will surely have steel ingots as well. So, it would be foolhardy to pass that up. Just look for the most valued item for the least amount of material. By the sheer number of Dwarven Ingots available is what makes the Dwarven Bows so attractive. One dungeon can net 100+ ingots.

And yes...

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