Smithing buffing items broken ?

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:03 am

Not sure if anyone else has experienced / is experiencing this, it’s a bug concerning one handed and smithing buffing items. This is what I discovered last night, items that boost your one handed damage actually effect how good the base item is that you create at a forge and improve. I have (amongst other items) a ring and bracers that buff one handed(about 50%) that I wear at all times and I also have a ring and bracers that buff smithing 20% each, for smithing, obviously.

I wanted to make some more ebony boots as I had just learnt the carry weight enchantment and before I clicked create I wanted to see if the smithing bracers actually had an effect on creating base items, as the description of the smithing enchantment suggest it only comes into play when improving items. So, still wearing my ‘one handed’ items I started to smith some ebony boots and it said that the result would have an armour of 40. I then put on all my smithing gear, ring and bracers, and this time it said the result would be 32 armour. I then tried with out either and the result was 32, therefore, one handed is at the moment buffing items created through smithing.

I then made my boots (using the one handed buffing items) and moved on to improving them at the work bench. This time I was sure that the smithing items would have the desired effect. Nope, with smithing items on, the boots would become Epic, with the one handed items on they would become Legendary ( I cant remember the exact armour value but it was higher with the one handed items on).

Therefore wearing onehanded buffing items while smithing will result in better quality items than wearing smithing buffing items while smithing. I can only assume that this is because blacksmiths hammers are one handed :-/

NB there were no positive or negative effects running at the time either from potions, shrines, spells ect. The only buffs came from what I was wearing as mentioned above.

Anyone else getting this ?
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