1. http://uk.ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/93394/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/images/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-20110607051825463.html;jsessionid=4oniooc0969a4
2. http://uk.ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/93394/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/images/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-20110607051833775.html
Notice anything?
Although they both appear to be some sort of 'Leather Armour,' there are differences between the two. The pauldrons are raised/bigger in the first, whereas in the second they look smaller. The armours are different shapes, with the first being much bulkier/thicker. Maybe i'm wrong, but perhaps this is an example of what happens when you upgrade your armour at the blacksmith? What do you think?
Also, if this is possible with armour, perhaps a similar system will/is being used on upgraded weapons?