Taken off what? Nobody bothered with the mods for Fallout 3.
Taken off what? Nobody bothered with the mods for Fallout 3.
huh? since when is there a fallout 3 steam workshop?
Well that was why I asked "taken off what?" The existence of a steam workshop for Fallout 4 won't stop smoking mods being made for Fallout 4, any more than it stopped the tentacle porm mods made for Skyrim, will it?
it seems you missed out the first half of that whole chain of argument:
somebody suggested that the absence of drugs and six might be due to german ratings.
i said that's unlikely, but it might be due to steam, since they take off anything drug related etc. the point in that being that steam is their _distributor_ after all, so they might have a say in matters of content, but NOT saying of course that steam taking off drug related mods would prevent such from being made.
but my observation might be flawed anyway: i've seen them taking off drug related mods for _skyrim_.
skyrim is 16+ though, while fallout is 18+ (where i live anyway), so maybe this just was due to the lower age limit.
what they'll do with drug (six etc) mods for the advlt title fallout is, is yet to be seen actually.
(or maybe it already can be seen in other steam workshops i just don't know because i'm stuck in skyrimville
The confusion, I think, is because your initial post ("everything drugs etc (like the "marijuana" mod for skyrim) is taken off faster than you can say weed") said nothing about Steam.
Yes to cigarettes and cigars (not just passive animations in an ashtray). Every time I see one those, I feel a real nee to reach for it. Tobacco products should stave off fatigue and sleep needs (assuming we will still worry about such things). More booze by the way. Booze should provide stronger short term effects imo.
Not only smoke but blow smoke rings into someones face. Would've been cool to blow smoke in Caesar's face right before killing him.