<-----<< [WIPz] Smuggler's Grotto - A "Thiefy" Cave Home >>----->
Some features of the home are listed below. Green ones have been done, yellows are in progress, Red ones haven't been started yet.
- "cozy" size, not too big, not too small
- working skylights (day / night functionality, region-accurate view)
- all crafting stations (smelter, tanning rack, grindstone, forge, alchemy table, enchanting table)
- plenty of safe storage, unique storage (chest of ingots near forge, etc)
- a few understated places (weapon racks) for displaying your
stolenloot - mix of static and lootable decorations, so your house doesn't feel empty but also doesn't look like a tornado hit it when you walk in
- working, scripted bookshelves
- scenic location around a waterfall in the Rift
Here's an imgur album with titles and captions for some screens to help you see how I'm doing. Any feedback is much appreciated... fire away!
>> http://imgur.com/a/zvtyJ#0 <<
Thanks for clicking!