The idea is that we all know the PC has to crouch to enter sneak mode, and perform sneak attacks etc. That is to say sneaking and ordinary moving are mutually exclusive. But this is stupid, and IMO one of the more disappointing flaws of the game's mechanism.
If in real life a person raises a knife to another person and attacks while undetected, we can expect a backstab. Whether the backstabber is standing/crouching(/crawling - even better!) atm is completely irrelevant. Same with sniping, especially sniping. as well as pickpocketing. (Actually, there's literally A LOT Beth can do with the whole pickpocket sphere to improve it, but not my focus here)
An interesting issue, if Beth does overhaul the sneak system in the future, is the completely new design of the sneak status indicator (also the sneak attack multipliers and stuff) that would be necessary. If you think about it it's really fascinating (and more so if people share their input on this.
A side note, but the Shadow Warrior should be a lesser power with a cooldown period. People should not be allowed to crouch-stand-crouch-stand-crouch to escape combat with de facto invisibility. If Beth is to introduce the Instinct element into TES this should be one of its useful applications, to say the least.
That's all I can think of right now. Again, any input on topic and specific is welcome. Yes, this is my first thread on the forums after a long period of anonymity (crawling everywhere) in which I "came across" many devoted/gifted gamers and RPers and you guys are just awesome. Kudos everyone. I don't think anything brought up in this thread is that original, least of all mine, but I haven't seen a decent discussion on this topic all this time so here I am!