New and probably final version is up (unless there are any bugs). I think I've tackled everything I wanted now and together with Stealth Overhaul and SM Combat Hide it's the sneak experience I imagined. New version has a minimum distance at which enemies with a line of sight will
always see you (even with the 'standing still penalty' it was possible that enemies bump into you without noticing you're there...) and a combat penalty (it was still possible to have a nice sword fight with someone in the dark (in sneak mode of course) while his friends were standing 20 feet away from you without noticing it). See description for more details.
Phitt, I just tried to pm you and it appears your inbox is full

Could you clear things up enough to send me a pm? Also the previous pm you sent about Ob XP is gone. I was keeping it for reference when I start looking at implementing those changes. Don't know if we can get that one back or not...
Sorry for highjacking your thread - you're a little hard to get a hold of atm

Cleaned my PM box. I still have the PM I sent you about the changes I implemented. Will send it to you again and will happily answer any questions you may have.
hey phitt, maybe i just didnt see it anywhere when i read the thread but are there any ACTUAL skill edits? Stealth Overhaul reduces skills but does so in a way that makes any leveling mod impossible. Does this also alter your stats or skills in a drastic way as Stealth Overhaul?
Since Phit is using Obse, I don′t see a single reason he wouldn′t be using Obse functions to edit the skills if he needs to, for the sneak penalties. And the way Obse skill "editing" works, it′s the exact same method the ingame damage/drain skill effects use. So they have no effect on skill usage points / your actual skill / levelling, just like those ingame effects dont have.

Yep, the skill penalties are all done via modav2 (like in timed blocking, which I use

), so I wouldn't know why they should affect any skill system.
I'm all over this one, Ars Gratia Artaeum generally reduces the power of spellcasters. I'm waiting for some additional tools before I can show anything -- prototyping without them then completely re-writing it from scratch when they're out doesn't appeal to me as much as Civilization 5 -- but meanwhile, I would absolutely love your input on what's really broken, and if you've got ideas on fixing them, share those too (ignore technical limitations, that's my problem). PM me if you get a chance, please!
I'll gladly send any suggestions I have your way. There is nothing better than throwing ideas at someone who will (or at least might) implement them for you after all!

Glad you like it and didn't find any more bugs!