Ok, here's a little help for how to level up your sneak skill without paying to do so:
To level up a skill that is low, you have a much lower success rate so it is harder to use the skill. So, make it easier. Go outside of town instead of sneaking in town where there are plenty of NPCs (and so, plenty of chances of being seen and failing the skill check). This also helps keep you from accidentally trying to initiate a conversation with an NPC while sneaking (bad idea with a low score

) I suggest sneaking up on rats NEAR a city like Balmora or better yet Vivec (kill sewer rats) where you can run to if you need help. If you wander around where there are a small number of rats and sneak CONSTANTLY eventually you will start to see some gains. It will not be fast, tho (no power leveling off of sneak... at least not with my patience)
Another method exists if you can find powerful sneak items. There is at least one that makes it so you would never have to bother leveling your sneak again. I think that it is too powerful IMHO but if you decide to forget the role playing and instead make for an uber-character we can let you know where this (these?) item(s) can be found
ps. save often vardenfell can be a dangerous place