» Sat Apr 06, 2013 6:59 pm
Since Sneak Tools hasn't seen any updates for a while now, I thought I'd let you guys know what's in store for the near future.
The current version is 0.50 BETA. I will soon be releasing a version 0.51 BETA with a very small amount of small improvements to fix any issues I managed to fix so far. Afterwards, all new versions will require SKSE (this is why I'm still doing a very small update seperately even though I already have much larger things finished, so the latest non-SKSE requiring version is in the best possible state).
Then, a little while after, version 0.60 BETA will require SKSE. It will come with a large, new feature inspired by woodbyte's Dynamic Fires mod found here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=74004800&searchtext=
I am obviously aware of that mod, but decided to integrate very similar features directly into my own mod because I wish to have more control over this specific feature in case I later want elements of this to interact with other parts of the mod.
This is how it will work:
- Almost all fires around skyrim, vanilla and placed by mods like Claralux, extinguishable by the use of Frost Spells and Water Arrows
- Almost all unlit versions of such fires (re)lightable by the use of Fire Spells, Fire Arrows and torches