[RELz] Sneak Tools

Post » Sat Apr 06, 2013 8:59 am

Ok I got it to work (slit throats etc) but the mask stuff still doesn't work :(
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Dark Mogul
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Post » Sat Apr 06, 2013 6:23 pm

Are vampires still able to feed with this mod?
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Post » Sat Apr 06, 2013 6:01 pm

Are vampires still able to feed with this mod?

Yes, although you might have to switch to the option of using pop-up menus instead of replacing the default activation action when the conditions are right.
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Sat Apr 06, 2013 10:30 am

The knock out is not working properly. It marks the NPC dead.
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Rex Help
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Post » Sat Apr 06, 2013 7:09 pm

The knock out is not working properly. It marks the NPC dead.

That can happen if you deal enough damage with that one hit to kill. Were you trying to knock out with a high-damage mace at high sneak and one-handed skill levels? Or unarmed with some mod which increases unarmed damage by a lot?
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Sat Apr 06, 2013 8:14 am

I have 100 sneak. I did it unarmed and have no mod that increases damage. Also, the NPC got up after it and stood up like it's alive while I can still access its inventory.
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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Sat Apr 06, 2013 12:40 pm

I have 100 sneak. I did it unarmed and have no mod that increases damage. Also, the NPC got up after it and stood up like it's alive while I can still access its inventory.

Hmm that's odd... are you sure you always installed correctly? Making clean saves when upgrading from an older version.

Also, did you notice it on that one NPC or does it always happen? If just that one NPC, who was it?
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Post » Sat Apr 06, 2013 7:09 pm

It was Amren from Whiterun
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Post » Sat Apr 06, 2013 6:50 pm

Thanks, I'm really enjoying this so far :)
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Post » Sat Apr 06, 2013 6:59 pm

Since Sneak Tools hasn't seen any updates for a while now, I thought I'd let you guys know what's in store for the near future.

The current version is 0.50 BETA. I will soon be releasing a version 0.51 BETA with a very small amount of small improvements to fix any issues I managed to fix so far. Afterwards, all new versions will require SKSE (this is why I'm still doing a very small update seperately even though I already have much larger things finished, so the latest non-SKSE requiring version is in the best possible state).

Then, a little while after, version 0.60 BETA will require SKSE. It will come with a large, new feature inspired by woodbyte's Dynamic Fires mod found here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=74004800&searchtext=

I am obviously aware of that mod, but decided to integrate very similar features directly into my own mod because I wish to have more control over this specific feature in case I later want elements of this to interact with other parts of the mod.

This is how it will work:
- Almost all fires around skyrim, vanilla and placed by mods like Claralux, extinguishable by the use of Frost Spells and Water Arrows
- Almost all unlit versions of such fires (re)lightable by the use of Fire Spells, Fire Arrows and torches
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Post » Sat Apr 06, 2013 10:46 am

This is how it will work:
- Almost all fires around skyrim, vanilla and placed by mods like Claralux, extinguishable by the use of Frost Spells and Water Arrows

I understand it's some kind of nod to thief-series (which I've never played), but does it have to be water arrows? Its just that the entire concept of them feels weird to me, even in a high fantasy game. Couldn't the arrow be some kind of dwemeric steampunk device that extinguishes the flame by depriving it of oxygen?
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jessica robson
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Post » Sat Apr 06, 2013 7:18 pm

Just uploaded a new version 0.51 BETA. Changelog:

0.51 BETA (5 August 2012)
- NPCs should now always be able to wake up after getting knocked out and no longer in rare cases remain unconscious forever.

Also, it should be noted that the file size of the download is much bigger now. The reason for this is that I've been working on another bigger feature which already has many leftovers in the download, but it requires SKSE. Because of this, I wanted to get one last non-SKSE version out first, for which I made all the unfinished features inaccesible in-game but they still are in the files. For me it was easier to just leave the files in here than it was to undo all the work I've done so far.
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Mark Churchman
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Post » Sat Apr 06, 2013 8:34 am

Keep it up. This mod is important.
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Laura Simmonds
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Post » Sat Apr 06, 2013 8:09 pm

Scheduled for release later today, probably the biggest set of new features and improvements I've ever done for any of my mods:

- (almost) all fires, candles and torches around skyrim extinguishable and (re)lightable through the use of frost and fire spells
- Water and Fire arrows to provide a non-mage alternative for the above feature
- Noisemaker arrows
- Oil arrows
- Greatly increased jump height while climbing a rope arrow, to make them much more useful for actually climbing onto terrain.
- Identity-concealment properties for mask as an Enchantment instead of script, which means it will be easier for other modders to make patches for their own modded masks, and also means that the player can learn this enchantment through disenchanting and enchant any headwear he likes in-game himself to act like an identity-concealing mask.
- Greatly reduced gold for Horstar, to make it much harder to exploit him as a vendor accesible from anywhere.
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brandon frier
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Post » Sat Apr 06, 2013 4:36 pm

Just uploaded a new version 0.60. NOTE THIS VERSION OF THE MOD REQUIRES SKSE!!! Changelog:

0.60 BETA(15 August 2012)
- Added fire arrows.
- Added water arrows.
- Added oil arrows.
- Added noisemaker arrows.
- Greatly Reduced Horstar's amount of available gold.
- The identity-concealing properties of masks is now an Enchantment instead of a script. This meansit can be disenchanted and enchanted on other items.
- Greatly increased the player's jump height while climbing a rope.
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Post » Sat Apr 06, 2013 7:22 am

Just uploaded a new version 0.60. NOTE THIS VERSION OF THE MOD REQUIRES SKSE!!! Changelog:

0.60 BETA(15 August 2012)
- Added fire arrows.
- Added water arrows.
- Added oil arrows.
- Added noisemaker arrows.
- Greatly Reduced Horstar's amount of available gold.
- The identity-concealing properties of masks is now an Enchantment instead of a script. This meansit can be disenchanted and enchanted on other items.
- Greatly increased the player's jump height while climbing a rope.

:blink: ..... lost track of this mod for a short while.... I will be updating tonight!
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Sat Apr 06, 2013 7:04 pm

Just uploaded a new version 0.61 BETA. Changelog:

0.61 BETA (17 August 2012)
- Fixed a bug where the identity-concealing enchantment could not be enchanted on any items.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It is NOT needed to make a clean save or follow the instructions for upgrading from a previous version if you're already at version 0.60 BETA, simply install this new version over the previous one and continue playing.

If you're still on a version older than 0.60 BETA, all the normal instructions still apply and clean saving is required as always
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Post » Sat Apr 06, 2013 5:41 pm

Wrong thread oops lol
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Michelle Serenity Boss
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Post » Sat Apr 06, 2013 7:45 am

Just uploaded version 1.0. Changelog:

1.00 (29 January 2013)
- If you accidentally kill an NPC in an attempt to knock him out, it should not be correctly recognized as murder.
- Fixed a bug where the lighting of certain types of candles resulted in incorrect lit versions of those models appearing.
- Fixed an issue where extinguishing certain lights in Riften would not actually remove light.
- Fixed an issue where extinguishing certain lights in Whiterun interiors would not actually remove light.
- Fixed an issue where have fire arrows equipped would cause the player’s melee attacks to set opponents on fire.
- Noisemaker arrows can now be crafted in the Dwemer section of forges instead of the Misc section.
- Added an MCM menu for users of SkyUI v3.0 or higher with some new customization options.
- Added bolt versions of all new arrow types which will only be accesible in game if Dawnguard is activated.
- Throat slits are no longer guarantueed to succeed. Now a number of factors determine whether you can succesfully slit the opponent’s throat.
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Post » Sat Apr 06, 2013 8:07 am

Nice update! If I use SkyRe how can I get the new features since ST is merged with it? Just load this after it?
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Chase McAbee
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Post » Sat Apr 06, 2013 12:51 pm

Nice update! If I use SkyRe how can I get the new features since ST is merged with it? Just load this after it?

Just answered a similar question on skyrimnexus as follows:

I'm not sure.. generally the answer tends to be that SkyRe merged Sneak Tools into itself and therefore Sneak Tools should be redundant.. but I don't know how fast he tends to update the Sneak Tools part in his mod whenever I update mine, and also don't know how he merged it and what kind of problems could possibly pop up when the 2 are activated together...

since the same question keeps popping up every time I update this mod I guess I'll just send the author of SkyRe a PM and ask him about a few of these things... that mod's waaay too big for me to start investigating how it works

In fact I did just send that PM, so waiting for an answer from SkyRe's author now
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Post » Sat Apr 06, 2013 9:12 am

Nice update! If I use SkyRe how can I get the new features since ST is merged with it? Just load this after it?

Just added the following to the mod's FAQ:

Q: I am using SkyRe, how will this interact with Sneak Tools?
A: In the past, Sneak Tools was fully merged into SkyRe and then changed a bit inside SkyRe, to add new features through perks instead of adding them automatically for example. In later versions, the author of SkyRe no longer fully merged all new features in new Sneak Tools versions, but only those he liked personally. BOSS may tell you that Sneak Tools is fully included in SkyRe, but that's false.

This means that in order to get the full functionality from Sneak Tools, you should still also download and install Sneak Tools. Some features may be in your game twice in slightly different ways (for example, there may be SkyRe perks which add features you already have access too because Sneak Tools gives them to you for free), so in that way some things might be confusing, but other than that everything should work fine.

It is advised to load the plugin(s) from Sneak Tools AFTER the plugins from SkyRe.
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Post » Sat Apr 06, 2013 12:26 pm

Have the perks really changed much between the two? If not (or if not enough to matter) could you possibly add in a MCM option to disable the auto perks to allow better compatibility with SkyRe? Also if double crafting items are an issue you could do the same to disable the ones in ST that are already included in SkyRe. But seeing as this is your mod and not your fault that SkyRe is not being updated (not even by patches to update at least ST) I dont expect you to do that. Just a suggestion though.
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Post » Sat Apr 06, 2013 10:23 am

Is there a chance of getting the mgef code for the "conceal identity" enchantment? It would make it possible to add that effect to other custom armor mods that don't support it themselves. The one that I'm trying to modify is the cowl from "Arise - Chapter 1 - The Black Sacrament." (I would post a link, but I can't.) I would really like to be able to have that effect with this armor, but there doesn't seem to be the mgef code posted anywhere, and none of the masks that have it from this mod are able to be disenchanted.
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