Any chance you could upload a pic of the mask?
So i'm assuming the controls would work as such:
Sneaking + weapon drawn = Throat slit
Sneaking + Fists Raised = Knock out
Sneaking + no fists or weapons = pick pocket.
Sounds good to me if thats right.
The mask does not have a new model, I'm a scripter, not a modeller/texturer

It's just a copy of the masked Dark Brotherhood hood, and the male version of it actually uses the female model because the male model is bugged in vanilla skyrim and has no mask (it does seem to clip a little bit around the neck though)... and actually I'm not sure whether it works at all on beast races, might want to check that before I upload

As for the controls, yes that sounds about right, only difference is that Sneak + Dagger drawn = throat slit, because you can only slit throats with daggers, not just any weapon.
Sure, how about if wearing the mask just disables all of those comments? As in the popular
Is it possible to have that kind of thing run dynamically in game, dependent on the player's choice of outfit? (sounds silly/difficult, but i think it would help. You can see why it would help RP if they didn't know who you are)
The total silence would be easily justified by everyone's fear of strangers

but the fact that your friends/followers recognise you when you speak to them could be because you let them know it's you...
That's a point, is there any sense of "guilty by association" that would cause problems with followers? i.e. if you attack a guard, and kill a few with the help of your follower, then run off and put on a mask while hidden, upon your return will guards attack your follower? Or do guards only care about the actions of the Dragonborn (plus the dragonborn in a mask

No I think changing that dynamically wouldn't be too difficult at all, should work

About followers, I think all of their crimes already get blamed on you anyway in vanilla skyrim. The only ''issue'' with this is that I think that if you are wearing a mask and your followers aren't and they commit crimes for you, their crimes will get blamed on your mask, which means that the mask you're wearing is actually also hiding their identities. Not entirely realistic, but probably the best solution from a gameplay point of view anyway.
Good to hear that contextual functionality will be in soon.
Now a suggestion if I may: this is fairly unrelated to the mechanics you've built so far but it still fits with the idea of sneak tools. What I'm proposing is giving certain destruction spells a sneak bonus and maybe other secondary effects IF they hit a target who has not spotted you. In particular:
Rune spells; rune spells work like magical traps and setting traps is a great ressource for stealth characters. They could have a x2 sneak bonus plus ability to stagger/knock down oblivious NPCs
Ice spike/Icy spear are pretty much like magical arrows. They could have a x2 sneak bonus too as normal arrows have.
Hmmm not sure.. aren't there already some mods which give sneak multipliers to destruction? Either way, I think this suggestion is a bit more in the category of balancing/tweaking existing gameplay, and I'm currently much more interested in adding brand new gameplay. I might still get to tweaking/balancing later on when I'm happy with the new possibilities though, but that's where my priorities currently are.

Just checked up with the author though because I was afraid there was some bug because the AI wasn't reacting properly to the crimes they were obviously witnessing, but he used console commands to prevent that to make filming the new features easier, so no problems with AI either

New version with masks scheduled to be released within a couple of hours btw...