I thought it was only daggers to reduce the risk of it happening accidentally (i.e. it only happens in certain conditions). I guess it could also work for swords, but as it's an instakill (right?) they could carry around any old dagger purely for throat slitting purposes, and use their decent sword for actual fighting.
Nah, at first I only allowed daggers because to me it made sense, daggers are for slitting throats

But slitting throats does seem perfectly possible with a sword to me too, so I might as well allow that too. Maybe when I get to not making these moves 100% guarantueed succesful, I can give daggers a bonus because they would be easier to handle though..
Great! And is ther going to be a % chance for success?
i.e. 'sneak skill *1.5' for slit throat and unarmed *1.5 for knocking people out? or just 100% success
It is mentioned in my future plans yet. Although I currently think I'll more be going for something like:
knockout chance % = 100 + (gauntlets weight)*ArmorTypeMult - (helmet weight)*ArmorTypeMult
throat slit % = 50 + oneHandedSkill - (helmet armor)*ArmorTypeMult
Where ArmorTypeMult would be a low value for light armor (0.5 maybe?), 0 for clothing and a higher value (2 maybe?) for heavy armor.
Any chance of adding something for sneaky archers? I'm not sure what but archery and sneak is a popular playstyle.
Someone on skyrimnexus comments asked me this:
Great mod, One thing ive been looking for all throughout skyrimnexus is a mod similar to Thieves tools in Oblivion, that mod added several arrows that just made sneaking all the more fun and realistic.
Such as
Oil arrow: Creates a patch of oil on the ground and any npc that walks by it will slip and knock themselves unconscious for a period of time
Noisemaker: Just makes noise, i realize that this is not needed since you can just throw a regular arrow and the nos will go check it out
Vine/Rope arrow: shoot it at ceilings and create a vine/rope that you can climb
Water arrow: Douse lights
to which I answered this:
No comment on that, other than that I also used to like that mod in oblivion and got bored yesterday night and might accidentally have been putting a bit of work on one of those things you mentioned already... no promises though