@ WalkerInShadows,
Thanks for report!
I think the string is probably the name of the race or creature, which is created once when the token is first assigned so that it can be used to determine various features such as peripheral vision and night vision types. I was probably thinking it might come into play later, so decided to save the information in case I needed to recall it later, but I may just move that into a custom function to call as needed, and destruct the string once the token has initialized. That would be the proper way to do it. (Edit: It might also be related to the detect life / night eye spell casting features, I'll have to see).
I have no idea what the other OBSE errors are, but I'll look into it. In general I'm going through everything with a "fine toothed comb" to see where I might find some performance improvements, as well squish any bugs.
I've already found the cause of some reported glitches that were due to the new Add Actor Values plug-in, which doesn't allow fractions to be stored. That side effect wasn't documented, so I didn't know about it until errors were being reported. It was causing the disappearing corpses (which I fixed last time) and the disappearing followers glitch (which I didn't catch). I rewrote all of the Chameleon/Alpha Value code from scratch, and it seems to have fixed everything, as well as be more efficient (I think). I tested it with Vijja and CM Parnters, and no one was disappearing... unexpectedly.

Re: Strings
Yup. Lots of strings that should have been destructed. Sorry about that. Fixed for next release.
Re: OBSE error messages
Can't replicate the issue. Sorry.

Re: Night vision brightness.
Added two ini settings that will adjust the overall brightness of the night-eye effect, one for interiors and one for exteriors.
Re: Customizing which Races/Creatures get assigned Peripheral/Night/Twilight vision.
I finally figured out how to move the lists of races and creatures out of the hard coding and into the .ini file. So adding and removing races/creatures to the lists to customize for taste, or to account for other mods, should be relatively easy if you follow the instructions.
To Do:
- Find out where that FPS hit is coming from.