Sigh. Still running into problems with disappearing actors. Grrr. For some reason, the base actor value is not getting captured and saved.
Arrggh. Disappearing corpses I could deal with, but twice now
I've disappeared. (That is, if I don't have a chameleon effect active, I'm
completely invisible. If I have a chameleon effect, then the semi-transparent alpha shading works). I can only get rid of it by reloading an earlier save, so the bad alpha value is getting stored in the savegame even if I deactivate SDR/AddActorValues. It does seem to be semi-random, although it only happens after I've been sneaking with chameleon effects active. Is there a console command where I could reset the player alpha value and carry on?

You know, as I think about it, this is such a freak bug it reminded me of the double-face bug. Maybe the best way to handle it is to just clean it up after it occurs, like how the UOP gives a spell to fix that bug. Maybe a simple spell (lesser power) that can be cast that resets the alpha values for all the actors and corpses in the area? I'm all for trying to squash bugs before they happen, and not cluttering up my spell book with utilities, but...

EDIT: Ah, cool. Will grab the new version. Thanks!