Regarding your sound goals, yes the ini currently needs to be tweaked, quite a bit actually. My settings more than double overall sound penalties, but as master even in full heavy armor only those with sneak skill 90+ still have a chance to hear me, when I run right past them. At some point detection comes mostly down to whether you are seen or not. I am unsure yet whether I will leave it that way or try to make it more difficult, and if so, in which way. My impression was, that the sneak skill itself contributes the most to making it easier at high levels, so the best might be to try making it less important in the formula. This should leave low levels mostly unaffected, while higher levels should become more challenging. Am I right on that?
And something related I wanted to ask: The sight penalty seems to always be flat, only depending on how much light is shining on you, but sound penalty gradually decreases with the sneak skill, even between mastery levels where the offsets kick in. Why that? I thought sight, sound and skill were three independent parts of the formula? Or did I not observe that correctly?