Update: I *think* I've got it. I need to go to work, but when I get back, if there is anyone here who wants to beta test 4.5, let me know. It features the following:
- Removed the two SDR actor values from the menu that shows your adventuring stats
- Merged NPC Behavior into SDR Core.

- Added a delayer option for casting detection magic (night eye/detect life). The delayer starts when the NPC token is first added, and resets itself after each attempt to cast, or whenever the current night eye/detect life effects end. So you would get a delay of x seconds between when the detect life effect ends and the next attempt to cast.
- Regardless of detection level against the player (0-3), if the detector is in combat with the player, and the player is not in line of sight, they are clear to cast the detection spell (after the delay, if any).
- If the detection level against the player is > 0, the detector is clear to attempt to cast.
- Detectors will not attempt to cast if their disposition towards the player is greater than their aggression, if they have invisibility active, or are in the midst of casting another spell.
- Fixed an issue where selecting a specific NPC was not showing filtered debug data.
- Added frame counter to delay actors from doing anything for three frames when going from disabled to enabled. This will hopefully prevent a rare crash occurence when determining line of sight.
As an FYI, the following have NOT changed, but it will answer some questions, I'm sure:
- If a Detector was never assigned a power/spell in the first place, they will not attempt to cast.
- A cast attempt is determined by how much light is hitting the detector, the intelligence of the detector, and a random number between 1 and 100. If the random number is below the lighting chance + the intelligence, they will cast the spell.
- They have two chances to cast, if they have both a night eye and a detect life spell in their repertoire.
- Spells/powers are only semi-randomly assigned/determined once, when the NPC token is first added.
Play-testing notes:
With the new set up, performance was very good. With a level 19 character, I walked into a conjurer den, and although just about all of them were assigned a Greater Detect Life, they did not start to cast them all at once. This was with a five second delay in the .ini settings. You definitely had to be on your toes though, even with a five second delay.
What would be great is if I could get at least 3 volunteers to beta-test this out, and give me feedback on performance, and also what delay seemed to work best. Ideally, you might want to test out the scenario in something that everyone is familiar with, such as a cave of conjurers, or the Azura's star quest.
Let me know, and I'll get back to you later when I'm home from work.
Update: I'm having some weird problem in which whenever I try to save the latest Oblivion Perks and Patches, it removes SDR Core as a master and breaks itself.

Can't release anything until I've sorted this out.
Update 2: Fixed the above. Seems to be working. Next up is Nehrim Perks and Patches.