I didn't *want* to make it all confusing, but there are only two skeleton.nifs for all the races, one for beastie types with tails, and one for the rest, so race name "GetRace" works in this case.
Relax, I'm just giving you a hard time.

Cathay-raht and Suthay-raht aren't part of RBP, but Ohmes and Ohmes-raht are, and I already included them as part of the default .ini (because RBP is one of the more popular mods)
Oh. They must be from Elsweyr Anequina, then. The EA readme doesn't mention anything about adding new races... odd. That might explain why I have Khajiit Ohmes/Ohmes-raht, and straight Ohmes/Ohmes-raht.
Anyway, I went through my list, and here's what I have:
set sdrIniQ.vVLRNight to sv_Construct "%z|Khajiit Cathay" sdrIniQ.vVLRNight
set sdrIniQ.vVLRNight to sv_Construct "%z|Khajiit Cathay-raht" sdrIniQ.vVLRNight
set sdrIniQ.vVLRNight to sv_Construct "%z|Khajiit Ohmes" sdrIniQ.vVLRNight
set sdrIniQ.vVLRNight to sv_Construct "%z|Khajiit Ohmes-raht" sdrIniQ.vVLRNight
set sdrIniQ.vVLRNight to sv_Construct "%z|Khajiit Suthay" sdrIniQ.vVLRNight
set sdrIniQ.vVLRNight to sv_Construct "%z|Khajiit Suthay-raht" sdrIniQ.vVLRNight
set sdrIniQ.vVLRNight to sv_Construct "%z|Khajiit Tojay" sdrIniQ.vVLRNight
There are three versions of Ohmes - tattooed, furred, and non-furred, but I don't know if that makes any difference.
There's no "Tabaxi" race in RBP - that's just the folder name. bg2048 adapted the Ohmes from Luchaire's Tabaxi; it's different enough that you can still use the original race.
Skill is basically a "spidey sense". Have you ever had that feeling that someone was watching you, or that someone was behind you, even though you haven't seen or heard anything that would prove otherwise? How does one pick out a potential pick pocket in a crowd? How does one blend in to a crowd so as to be less noticeable? That's all skill related in my book.
It is, and it isn't. Humans have the ability to sense when someone/something is watching them - I believe it's a very old instinct, from back in the days when we weren't at the top of the food chain. Knowing when something was eyeing you as a possible snack was a good survival trait. These days, it's obviously not as important, but it's still there. Try it yourself - look at someone for a few seconds. 90% of the time, they'll notice and look back at you.
That part is instinct, but it can be honed with training. People who are/have been in dangerous situations where others are trying to do them grievous bodily harm (soldiers, cops, criminals, spies, etc.) have a more developed sense. Maybe they can focus their attention a little more keenly; maybe they unconsciously notice things in the environment around them; maybe they're just psychic, or a little of all three. In any case, they can sense someone watching a lot more quickly.
So basically, I'm agreeing with you. Even a hunter who's perfectly camouflaged knows not to watch his prey directly - the prey will sense it, even if it can't see him. The same principle applies if you're invisible but watching someone - the target can't *see* you, but it knows you're there, somewhere, because it can *sense* you.