can you please explain the suggested values for Cava Obscura compatibility?
the "Mod compatibility" section on your website says to set "light level offset" between 10 and 20, yet the sdr core.ini says to set it between 0 and 10.
also, the "mod compatibility" section on the website says to set "exponential light bonus" between 12 and 15, but the sdr core.ini says nothing about it.
so what should we do?

The differences in numbers is due to different players having different recommendations at different times. I personally haven't had a chance to test the game with Cava Obscura. My best guess is to go with a 10 offset, and an exponential bonus of 12 at most. Eventually I'll get around to trying it myself and provide some better numbers. If you feel like you are getting spotted too much, drop the offset to 5, and exponential bonus to 10, and see how that goes.
If we're supposed to have nighteye (elves, Khajiit), do we still need to do the quick fix? I mean, if all the races have it, is it necessary to remove it from NPCs who aren't supposed to get it?
The NPCs get their values based on what race they are. And the "bad" .ini file that came with 4.5.0 is copying over the entire list of races that have peripheral vision into the twilight vision list. Which means every NPC that is of one of the races that has peripheral vision will be assigned Twilight vision when you first encounter them.
So unless you want everyone to have a better chance of seeing you, you should:
- fix the ini file.
- deactivate SDR
- load the game
- save it
- exit the game
- reactivate sdr
- load the save.
That should refresh everything. For those that still have the permanent night-eye effect, but shouldn't, and want to get rid of it, take these extra steps after doing the above.
- enter console mode ~
- type in: player.setav nighteyebonus 0
- do a quick save (F5)
- load the quick save (F9)
That will force the game to reevaluate whether or not to apply the night-eye shader effect.
I'm trying to get a new version that will automatically do all that without forcing the user to do anything manually, and I'm really really close, but there are still some kinks that need to be worked out.
Yeesh, what a mess.