I have now tested a bit more and thought I'd share some thoughts on how things turned out.
First thing I noticed is that it is not necessary to increase the light penalties with darker dungeon mods as much as originally recommended. The sweet spot for the exponential lighting curve is more anywhere from 12-14 rather than 15-20. Otherwise it becomes hard not to get detected even in complete darkness. Increasing the normal light level offset seems unnecessary either.
I've always sort of thought that was about right. I've added the following to the .ini file for recommended settings:
; If you have mods that reduce the overall amount of light in caves and
; other interior settings, you may want to increase the amount exponential
; amount. The general feedback from folks who use it puts that number
; around 12 to 14, although some have gone as high as 20. You will have
; to experiment to determine which is best for you and your load order.
On the other hand, avoiding notice based on sound was quite easy with the default settings. Before reaching expert level in any of the relevant skills(though sneak was very close) I could already sneak run in full heavy armor and only those with a skill higher than me were still able to detect me. I have now increased the effect of sound on detection, but what bothers me a bit is that you allow for pretty high offsets in this category, so the multipliers I set in the ini become rather unimportant at some point. I think it should not possible to move soundless, even with 100 in all skills wearing only clothes. I wonder wether the offsets are neccessary at all, doesn't the sneak skill already cover that you are getting better at avoiding noise well enough? Anyways I would reduce all offsets at least in half, so sound doesn't get meaningless too soon, and I would increase the basic sound penalty for moving as well.
This part does seem odd to me: "Before reaching expert level in any of the relevant skills(though sneak was very close) I could already sneak run in full heavy armor and only those with a skill higher than me were still able to detect me." Even with a max of 100 in all associated skills, your full heavy armor should still be a base of 40% of the base sound penalty for the armor. Light armor cannot fall below 20%, and only cloth can be 0% at full 100s. And in my opinion, you can be 100% soundless with cloth when you get that sneaky, unless you are wearing tafeta. Audio waves fall off exponentially over distance, and cloth on cloth makes very little noise in the first place if you are just walking. If you are taking effort, unless someone is right next to you, even someone who has little skill in sneaking can move around almost unheard. In all honesty, if I could, I'd redesign the system around the actual material being worn. But I've looked into it, and there is no good way to do that. It might be possible in Skyrim, but SDR for Skyrim is a long way off. (A lot of tools and engineering need to be created and in place by others first before I can port it over).
Jumping never caused me to be detected with the default settings, could be increased as well, and maybe add the boot weight to the penalty? Think that would make sense. Or better, if that's not already the case, have the whole sound penalty apply additionally, even when you are not moving in any other direction at the same time.
Jumping only matters on impact, and the bonus only lasts for a few seconds (reflecting any possible echo or ripple effect if you splash down into water). Otherwise it's treated as if you were basically turning in place. The jumping multiplier is the same as the running multiplier.
The moving lights with no LOS multiplier can at least be doubled from default in order to be meaningful.
I've personally always felt that this feature was supposed to be a very subtle bonus that really only helps out the most observant, so I don't plan on changing the default. However, the .ini setting is modifiable, and I can put in a recommendation for double the amount if they want a more noticeable effect.
The penalty for drawing weapons works great, now if I want a higher penalty for merely holding one, I assume I can increase the multipliers for that and divide the multipliers for drawing by the same amount to keep the penalties the same as previously, is that correct?
You are correct. As for my reasoning for the defaults, I had weapons training as part of my career as an actor, and have handled many weapons of the medeival kind. The sound you hear in the movies is more amplified, and the reality is that most weapons just don't make a whole lot of noise once they have been drawn, unless they have moving parts. Any noise made will be caused by how you change the grip on the weapon, or because you bang or scraqe it against any armor or nearby items or walls. That's why the length of the item is a big factor when it comes to calculating the base "noise" factor.
Detect life seems pretty potent now. I have not experimented with the settings yet, but I wonder wether the distance it works on is actually the same as for the player and wether it requires them to look in my direction to kick in? I was not sure about that when testing. At least they always got me very easily, regardless of my sight and sound penalties. But I don't mean to say you got it wrong, it's what detect life does, so I'll have to live with it

You have to be in "line of sight", meaning that you are within their angle of view, regardless if there are walls in the way or not. At which point, intelligence kicks in, and there is a bigger bonus if they have actual line of sight (not blocked) - if I recall correctly.
I am somewhat concerned about the sneaking in armor issue that you had, and was wondering if other folks were experiencing something similar. Adjusting penalties and multipliers would definitely have a greater effect, but what you described doesn't sound right to me at all.