Hi saebel, a bit of feedback / notes:
Using AAV 1 beta 4 and SDR 4
I had one quirk on the very first run after installing the above. Using OBSE Loader 0020, when that initializes I always get a brief glimpse of a command window before the game starts; On this first run that command window stayed open a few seconds longer than usual (enough to make me think something was odd here), but then it started to load the game.
After clicking Continue, game loaded up and I got a message from SDR - http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=3809897ScreenShot197.jpg
A pause of approx' two seconds after that message disappeared, then I got the usual SDR Initialising message .. So I believe it was now working - Decided to save, and restart the game.
On the second run of the game after installing - No problems. OBSE Loader gave its usual brief glimpse of the command window, game loads, continue, SDR Initialising message - No error this time round.
Settings: Prior to the above, I wanted to experience the worst case scenario for my laptop, so installed the additional Perks and Patches
Went with mostly default INI settings for both INI's, only changing light value for Cava Obscura, and changed the Attack / Melee values to Vanilla Extended (option 1) to compensate for having Duke Patricks Combat Archery installed. Also switched off Sprinting - Personal preference.
All other settings remain default - And I have just got to say ... It is soooo improved on the performance front for my machine. I will have to tweak a few settings for the laptop obviously, but prior to this version in between the version 2 and version 4 developments, default settings have not been viable - Now I could actually live with the defaults. When there are many actors obviously FPS gets reduced quite a bit, but during my brief couple of hours last night with defaults, I did not do much FPS monitoring because I wanted just to experience how it feels. It feels good

I dont have RBP installed so no problems there, but for anyone interested my OSR settings are as follows (YMMV on your machine) ...
Spoiler Master = {
_comment = You can turn on or off each distinct feature from here.
bManageFPS = 1
bHookCriticalSections = 1
bHookHashtables = 1
bReplaceHeap = 1
bLogToConsole = 0
bFix64Hertz = 0
bExtraProfiling = 0
bFlushLog = 1
iSchedulingResolution = 1
bReplaceRandom = 1
bExperimentalStuff = 0
iMainHookPoint = 1
Experimental = {
iReduceLongSleep = 0
bRemoveShortSleep = 0
iThreadsFixedToCPUs = 0
bSuppressRandomSeeding = 0
bMonitorBSShaderAccumulator = 0
iPrintSceneGraphDepth = 0
bReplaceRandomWrappers = 1
bBenchmarkHeap = 0
bAlternate64HertzFix = 0
bAlternateHeapHooks = 0
iHeapMainBlockAddress = 0
FPS_Management = {
_comment = Basic FPS stuff, switches to slow-motion on low FPS; in the past this has occaisonally produced bugs like the NPCs-dropping-dead issue; the issues are believed to be fixed but if you suspect you are having related problems you can try disabling bAllowSlowMotion which is the main suspect for any problems relating to FPS management
bAllowSlowMotion = 1
MaximumFPS = 30
MinimumFPS = 10
iSmoothFrames = 0
iSmoothMode = 0
iSleepExtra = 2
iFPS_Frequency = 4000
iSchedulingParanoia = 1
iHardMaxFrametime = 200
CriticalSections = {
_comment = CS stuff helps Oblivion, Fallout, and New Vegas significantly
_comment = most of the benefit comes from the Renderer+0x180 suppression (see overrides below)
_comment = modes: 1=vanilla, 2=fair, 3=staggering, 5=suppressed, 6=prioritize-main-thread, 7=deprioritize-main-thread
bEnableProfiling = 0
bEnableMessages = 1
bUseOverrides = 1
iDefaultMode = 3
iDefaultSpin = 1000
iStaggerLevel = 3
Heap = {
_comment = Heap replacement can produce MAJOR improvements in performance on Oblivion at a significant cost in stability
_comment = It crashes instantly on Fallout3, and would only produce a small performance improvement there anyway
_comment = It is not supported at all on Fallout: New Vegas at this time
_comment = Algorithms: 1=FastMM4, 2=Microsoft (slow on XP), 3=SimpleHeap1, 4=TBBMalloc, 5=ThreadHeap2, 6=ThreadHeap3, 8=tcmalloc
_comment = Algorithms numbers 1, 4, and 8 require external DLL files in the Data/OBSE/Plugins/ComponentDLLs folder
iHeapAlgorithm = 6
bEnableProfiling = 0
iHeapSize = 450
bEnableMessages = 0
iGenericFreeDelay = 0
bZeroAllocations = 0
Hashtables = {
_comment = The dynamic resizing option is buggy and not recommended.
bAllowDynamicResizing = 0
bUseOverrides = 1
bEnableProfiling = 0
bEnableMessages = 0
bEnableExtraMessages = 0
iHashtableResizeScale1 = 2
iHashtableResizeScale2 = 4
iHashtableResizeDelay = 20
(Skipped including the rest of the ini, I dont touch those)
Yes I know bFix64Hertz = 0 should be 1, but I run fine with it off and prefer not having to fix the ABomb problem in my saves so regularly (which this setting speeds up remarkably, ABomb percentage (monitored by checking the saves files in Wrye Bash (right click the save for http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/35230-1-1317081079.png)), increases dramatically over a period of a week as opposed to a month or two with this setting off.
Also note; I am on 32 bit Win 7 without LAA - Before anyone goes making any suggestions for change to the above

Streamline I only use Streamsaves, and its StreamPurge (Purge Cell Buffers) (with Purge on Travel disabled - notorious for causing problems)
Thank you saebel, this version is marvellous - I am off to install it on the family desktop. Then get down to some serious sneaky adventuring and tweaking settings a little more on the laptop.
Edit: Having referenced OSR in combination with Streamline above, thought I ought to add some notes here for posterity, and for Saebel to refer to (could be useful for problem solving, and hard to find information on these old subjects) ..
Spoiler As mentioned above I only use Streamsaves and Streampurge - The other main Streamline settings I have disabled but if you want to use any more of Streamlines features along with using OSR (most dont because OSR manages FPS just fine), a few tips ....
If you allow Streamsmooth (FPS), ensure you have FPS Max and Min settings 5% inside of OSR's Max and Min, and allow for the Streamline combat FPS increase, example ...
I have OSR min at 10, max at 30
If I were to use Streamlines Streamsmooth the relevant settings would need to be ..
; [Streamsmooth FPS Settings] Acceptable Minimum FPS & Detail Settings
set SLfpsmon.High to 25 ; Highest minimum FPS (top of range)
set SLfpsmon.Low to 12 ; Lowest minimum FPS (bottom of range)
set SLv.CombatFPS to 3.0 ; The number of FPS added to the min/max range when combat is happening nearby
Streamsmooth min FPS is 12 (5% above OSR min FPS of 10)
Streamsmooth max FPS is 25 (add 3 to that figure for combat FPS adjustment = 28 = 5% lower than OSR max FPS of 30)
= Inside of OSR fps settings (reference the gamesas past OSR topics to find the above information and the technical reasons why it needs to be adhered to)
Of course if you increase your OSR max fps setting then you can also increase Streamline max FPS setting accordingly
Also if you use any part of Streamsight, ensure you have read the ranges mht file in the documentation for streamline, for these settings ..
set SLv.MinDistanceFog to 11000 ; Min distance before fog starts (0%)
set SLv.MaxDistanceFog to 41000 ; Max distance before fog ends (100%)
.. which should be set in accordance with the corresponding oblivion.ini changes (also detailled in the ranges mht file).
Also note - The Weather Un-sticker setting which comes into play when using more of Streamlines options - If you use a scripted Weather mod (for instance http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18305), disable the Weather Un-sticker. If you dont use a scripted weather mod, for instance if you just use something like http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=33424, have the Weather Un-Sticker enabled.
Also note - After any changes to the Streamline ini, you need to go into Streamlines in game menu and re-initialise streamline so that it re-reads the ini ..
In-Game, press right Ctrl + Home keys, menu pops up, click Special Actions, then choose the Re-Initialise option. Thereafter your settings will be saved in the next save you make (stored in the obse save)
You could use Duke Patricks Safe Saves instead of Streamline, but it does not include a PCB so you then need to also use something like HTFPCB ... But thats not as intelligent as Streamlines PCB (excepting Purge on Travel being buggy) - I prefer Streamline tried and tested to death for both functions. Oblivion without a PCB mod is awfully problematic.