I've been doing some thinking, you should probably duck for cover, and I was wondering if it would be possible to get certain NPC's to sneak? For example the Dark Brotherhood assassins sent to kill you, or (via patch) the thieves added by Immersive Patrols. Like instead of just going kamikaze and running in for their certain death they actually sneak and wait for you to get close and attempt to sneak attack you like an assassin would? Or have thieves that would sneak up to you and attempt to pick pocket you.
I was thinking that when they sneak, they could get a "chameleon" effect where they are kinda like Predator. You can see them if you really pay attention or if they move too much but you see right through them and possibly depending on their sneak skill the effect is stronger or weaker but having it a static effect would also work.
Possibly tweaking the AI to "plot" the possible path of the PC for obtaining optimal range, not sure if that is possible on the game engine but it would be nice. Also staying in shadows if possible and staying still if the PC is looking in their direction would also be good.
Not sure if any of this is remotely possible but it was just something I've been wondering lately.