I. 5
A. 6
L. 8
Traits: Skilled and Build to Destroy
I take all the perks that benefit melee, crit damage and chance, sneak enhancement, and some other stuff like educated.
Make note that I use a mod that gives perks that effect both melee and unarmed but require one skill or the other to now require melee or unarmed. Due to this I do not need to raise my unarmed skill so I can get melee perks.
I have all of the DLC's
I use a mod called Project Nevada that adds armor that can toggle a stealth field that uses energy cells but has a time limit before it destabilizes and must recharge. I think it lasts for less than a minute.
My biggest question is whether or not this build is feasible for fighting some of the scarier enemies like Death Claws. The best weapon for me would be the unique shishkebab from GRA called Ghenna. It is a good crit weapon and according to the wiki can do more DPS than even Oh' Baby. I would also be sporting light armor for mobility and to use the light touch perk.
I am concerned after clearing out Dead wind cavern with my unarmed character wielding a GRA fully modded power fist and sporting a DT of 50 and getting slaughtered horribly until I pumped myself full of psycho, slasher, and med-ex and barely made it. It wasn't just the Legendary deathclaw that got me, one death claw could bring me quite close to death, and two or more were almost a death sentence.
I am wondering if anyone has managed to use this kind of build to successfully clean out some of the Deathclaw infested areas like Dead Wind Cavern, Quarry Junction, or the Death Claw promontory.
Also any advice for this kind of character would be nice.