Short/Light Rifles = Sniper Rifles
Sniper Rifles = Short/Light Rifles
There will be a ''SNOOP-R Scope'' that more likely will be a sniper scope for sniping, then there will be all other various sights you can slap onto a short rifle
The rifles wont insta-kill on headshot, but do more damage if hit in the head, so keep firing, 2-3 shots should suffice for a down or a kill
There will be snipers
Hmmm now since skill is customizable I'm assuming, I wonder which skills to get would best fit a sniper

Maybe a increased weapon effectiveness skill and a improved awareness skill.
And then there's the body type question.
I'm thinking normal body type... but with light body types, you might be able to climb yourself into some interesting vantage points. ... but then again, those rifles might be too heavy for light body types.