Ive heard a lot about the blasted things ranging from assault rifles with a scope to proper snipers looking like the intervention from Mw2 any news will be appreciated =)
This is not directly to the poster of this thread.
Snipers (and i dont mean quick scopers :down: ) have a real purpose in a game i believe. first, sniping should be used on larger maps. anything else is just pointless and stupid, if you try you are then stupid cqb=shotgun smg ect.
I snipe, i dont quick scope, i dont montage, i dont rush like a chicken with my head cut off if im holding a sniper rifle. i pick a couple people off from across the map from an established position and then move to a new one. while i move i pull out my sidearm just in case someone walks in on me. i get a low to medium ammount of kills that are spread out over the entire game. the difference between me and other play styles is that i die less. i freguently get games where i get somewhere around twelve kills and no deaths. i may not be on the top of the leaderboard but i sure didnt give the other team any points. one of the best feelings i get is when i headshot some one planting the bomb on s&d or that is capturing a headquarters. i do this from across the map, prone where he has no idea i was even there.
Snipers are good to have in almost any FPS, the thing is, developers almost never make them balanced.
I think that you should take out the "hold breath" aspect except when prone, when you are standing while scoped in, it should shake all over the place where it is almost impossible to make a shot. When crouched it should still shake, but it can be compensated with input from the anolog sticks. when prone the sway should be even less and the shooter should be able to hold his breath for an almost perfect shot, albeit for a much shorter time than in COD.
Any good sniper knows the definition of FFP. if you dont, you are not a true sniper. :ninja: