What I am trying to say here is that we cannot look at a BRINK squad as a individual machines all doing their own job. The integrity of the squad as a whole will largely be deterioration by its ability to stick together and acting similarly as opposed to just staying at the back and pot shotting.
Buffing and resupplying teammates is only one direction to go with team work. Most of us realize that the entire team can't spread out and be alone (but that doesn't even happen most of the time in TDM games without abilities), but it doesn't mean that we should all be together either. 8 guys with 4 classes and a collection of 24 weapons creates a wide disparity between one character and another, but because it's only 4 classes that limits the need for players of a particular class.
I don't need 6 soldiers because there won't be enough objectives to go around and dying and respawning may cut down on the need for ammo resupply, so we don't take 6 soldiers. The overlap in objectives and abilities is going to promote serious differences in roles to make the most of the full 8 man team.
When people complain about the sniper's ability to kill from who knows where they always say it's unfair because there's nothing they can do to stop it. Well what they can do to stop it is not go the way that they went, to be more careful about sticking their head out, to work together with their team to identify the danger area. In short, they must change their tactics.
The sniper's greatest asset is fear, and that's an instant buff for his team that lasts a lot longer then any ability buff.