Well you can call me a noob and say that I svck at sniping but honestly I tried my best and finally I am getting frustrated from it. Here is my problem:
When I snipe (usually in Light House map), I see an enemy soldier then point my scope cross hair on his head, torso, legs or whatever and shoot but the bullet never hits ? How I am so sure you ask well I think you all know that when a bullet hits enemy you briefly see a small white cross between your cross hair which indicates that it is actually hitting, the thing is I never see that cross with sniper rifles ? I very carefully keep my cross hair on enemy but it never hits, it is so frustrating I never do that bad in other FPS games (multi player) but Crysis 2 is a whole new story, I simply svck at sniping but the fact is I also like sniping

Anyone want to share some tips ? I got both rifles the DSG-1 and Gauss, I do a bit better with DSG-1 because it has a better fire rate but I don't call it sniping because if you are spraying like 5 - 6 bullets on single target in a desperate attempt to kill him its foolishness not marksmanship. There is one thing however which I think is the culprit behind this problem ? and that is my ping. I live in asian region so even with a good internet connection my ping goes like 100 - 150 ms and I also heard that the game has some sync/lag issues where you see a target at one place but its actually a bit away from that place ?
Any sniper can share his/her insight on this please ?
Also there is one more thing I would like to tell Crytek, they should do something about LTAG noobness, I don't mind dying 100 times by a good active player but if some lazy asses (like 2 - 3 players) are spraying LTAG grenades (specially in crash site game), you have no chance to win except that you bring your own LTAG noobers to counter them, this simply destroy the fun of game and turns a skilled game into an arcade mess. I also use LTAG in some maps but I don't abuse it. I usually use it as a secondary weapon (with Loadout Pro module) to clear snipers or machine gunners in maps like PIER 17 or WALL STREET but I never spray the grenades on crash site location because its stupidity. I don't want that weapon removed from the multiplayer as its a standard game weapon but as penalty on noobers there should be some kind of friendly fire (specially in crash site game) so that they think twice before blindly launching grenades from far way as it can also kill their team members if they don't see properly.
What say you ?