Bethesda: That's right! We released two major DLC. These DLC offer more generic dungeons and MORE SNOW. Who doesn't love snow?
Bethesda: That's right! We released two major DLC. These DLC offer more generic dungeons and MORE SNOW. Who doesn't love snow?
I don't why there are even 3 threads, i only created one.
Just ask a moderator to lock or delete the extras. Click on the 'Report' button.
I like snow....
There's only so many ways one can draw rocks, stones and dirt. The layout of each dungeon is different.
Skyrim is in the North. Snow is also in the North. Nonetheless, only around 25% of the map is covered in snow.
I would enjoy the Snow more if We could make snowballs to throw at certain NPC's.
Pretty much this^^
Besides OP I live in a place where we have snow for 8 months and for 4-5 of those 8 months there's close to 10 feet of the white stuff on the ground and snow banks that reach 15-20 feet. Yet I don't mind the snow in-game, in fact Beth did a pretty good job with the snow IMO.
Lol, wait on the side of the road and " bomb " a Thalmor party as they walk by
Psst... Here's a hint why there's moar snow: It's in Skyrim.
Now I'll be the first to point out the flaws of Skyrim, but I have to disagree with this.
If anything the DLC dungeons are my favorites of the entire game, I enjoy them every time. All dungeons in Skyrim are a great improvement over Oblivion. They are more varied and better lit, leading to greater atmosphere. Oblivions dungeons were noticably built out of pre-made pieces, so much so that after time you knew exactly which floor tile would be cracked. In Skyrim each and every dungeon seems unique and has its own layout and hidden surprises. Oblivion told little story in its dungeon design, whereas in Skyrim there are notes and clues of past inhabitants galore. A sneaking player can listen in to many conversations which are unique to that dungeon. My personal favorite of those is the Dwemer ruin in Peryite's quest. Hand-placed unique loot barely existed in Oblivion, it is abundant in Skyrim.
There is greater ability to use the environment in Skyrim, you can lure enemies into traps, set them on fire with pools of oil, fus-ro-dah them off a cliff.
And while Skyrim dungeons I think are far better than those of Oblivion already, the DLC dungeons take these concepts up a notch. The Forgotten Vale is beautiful and full of secrets. Darkfall cave is very dark indeed. Apocrypha offers a traditional puzzle maze in a stunning environment.
No, I can't find myself in the single line of the OP at all.
I agree with this, the DLC dungeons are amazing, even the basic ones that you go to in Dawnguard are good.
Tbh i think it was too little snow in skyrim. I mean its only near the coast :/
I know, right? At least whiterun's planes should be covered.
Skyrim is a harsh Norse land with winter conditions.
What did you expect?
Nothing wrong with snow in a cold place and at least none of it is yellow.
no make snowman did you know snowman appeared in fallout 3 dlc operation anchorage proberly made by the red menace
I think the terrain theme for Whiterun Hold was meant to be sub-arctic tundra.
Gonna ignore the snow part since that is mostly a joke...
The dungeons are NOT generic. I have a grand eye at spotting similarities in things and since 11/11/11, I had NOT found two dungeons using similar layouts or sections of a layout... All different. Now I've spotted pieces easily (You know, "Ancient Nordic Hall 1", "Ancient Nordic Corner" etc... I don't know what they are called in the Creation Kit, just an example!) and even notice many other things that are quite interesting...
Personally, my skills of spotting these things came from my Game Designing experiences. (One of the very first things you learn is how to create a diverse world with as little items as possible. One trick being copying the same rock around 5 times and place them all together to look like a new big rock).
Probably. They could have really used some seasonal change.
As someone who has rarely seen snow in his life, I find snow mesmerizing and I want more.