Social network for Skyrim?

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:16 pm

If you spend money on a console and buy a game for it instead of investing on a decent pc then I suppose it would svck to not be able to modify via consoles, but I think there is a simple solution to this: Uploading your console file on a flash drive and transfer it to a pc so you can modify the game all you want, and then return it to the console, wereas the mods will then update the console game. Or, using some cable designed to go from said console to a pc to transfer any data. I'm not saying that it can be done with previous games, but it's something to think about for future consoles.

Mods make games more unstable then they would be vanilla. Microsoft/Sony doesnt like this. And hardware limitations of the consoles make mods almost impossible. A well modded Oblivion (one I was playing this morning) was playing with about 1.85GB of RAM being used by itself alone. Something that the consoles lack.
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noa zarfati
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:34 pm

I would like that. It would be awesome to show my friends in school stuff instead of having to remember it all.

Yes, we talk about Oblivion daily, and we often talk about our journeys on the long bus ride to school and during school.
I wouldn't want it just to brag, but to compare and show stats and stuff to my friends.

Battlefield Heroes is crap, but it was pretty funny to compare headshot counts, kill/death ratio and see each others abilities builds. :)
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Taylor Thompson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:23 pm

"OMG DUDES CHECK OUT MY STATS!!! OMG OMG OMG!!! My spell cast accuracy is 22.98% and I've killed 1299 bandits with leather armor! I'm beating your stats lolololololol!"

... Really now? That sounds like a good idea to you?

Um, over exaggerate much? When did this entire forum turn into 4 year olds? No one acts like that.
You're not even making sense in regard to the discussion at hand.
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:59 pm

Isn't there a thing just like this modded into morrowind?
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Roberto Gaeta
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:46 pm

The thing is, this isn't Bungie...this is ES.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:40 pm

This is a silly idea, ESPECIALLY for a single player only game. I put the supporters this challenge:
Name 10 good reasons for having it or even implementing it in the first place.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:41 pm

We would see a lot of daedric helms...or gray cowls.

Not if armor items were rare again.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:07 pm

I don't really get the hate on this idea - I think it's great.

Rockstar do something similar with their 'Social Club' where you can see what Rockstar games someone owns, their progress on the game, achievements/trophies etc.

I think it'd be nice to be able to just have a link in your sig on forums to your Skyrim character.
It could have a picture of your character wearing whatever you're wearing in the game with the weapon, then a section showing your favourite or most used items. Then there could be the general stats of your character and progress info. I think it'd be good. Sure we have these forums to talk, but it would just be a nice little addition to be able to be talking about your character and whatnot and be able to share it with others by simply giving them a URL so as they can have a look at your PC.

Sure the game is strictly single player, and I get that and support it fully - but it doesn't have to be completely restricted of any social implementation. It's not like having something online to see your character and progress and share it with others is going to affect the game at all.

So I voted yes.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:33 pm

It's wasted development time, that's why we hate it.
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James Shaw
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:13 pm

It's wasted development time, that's why we hate it.

Lmao seriously?
I highly doubt if they ever implemented this the dev team would be doing it - they'd be sticking to making the game while a web designer team would set up the site.
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Frank Firefly
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:45 pm

Wasted time is wasted time, no matter who you give it to.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:25 pm

I love this forum. It's a great social place where folks who play the games I play can gather, share their ideas, help one another out, show screenshots of their characters and make some awesome mods. It's where we can sport our Steam and Xbox Live and PSN accounts and our websites all in our profile. We can follow the news, discuss the reviews do just generally enjoy one another's company. We can agree, disagree, agree to disagree and remain civil. It's an awesome community of mostly mature i intelligent people from all over the world who play the games I play. This place works for me. I love it here.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:32 am

Wasted time is wasted time, no matter who you give it to.

Maybe to you, but not to alot of others.
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Nuno Castro
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:15 am

I thought that's what this forum is.

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Andrea Pratt
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:43 am

I'd much prefer to converse with people over the forums because I don't see the need for some 'compare' stat thing or suchlike. The elder scrolls is a deeply immersive and personal single player experience playing games of top trumps with other random player does not sound like my cup of tea.
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trisha punch
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:05 am

You know what ?
Bungie gets the statistics from onlilne games the players have played.
Skyrim isn't an online game.
And having to have constant internet connection every time I want to play just for having my stats in a webpage for showing off purposes isn't something I'd like.

There are times the connection is off and I can have internet at my house only specific hours of the day.
I want to be able to play Skyrim any time of day I like.

Player Profiles with Stats is something cool,but only for onine competitive games like Halo or Quake Live.
Doing that for a game that doesn't have competitive multiplayer and it's not online at all,is something a little pointless I think :/
We can always take screenshots of our stats screen and upload them.
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Kay O'Hara
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:59 pm

I'm kinda mixed. Don't agree on a forum, we have that already. But they could lay the basis for some kind of IRC, where you could communicate with others when you're at an inn. Ask permission to check out character stats, view the current outfit/look, block people (with notification) where you pick a reason ("for no being in character", "for being obnoxius" or whatever). It's up to us if we want to use it or not, and no way should it be enforced.

It's not a multiplayer game, nor do I want it to become one. IRC in TES naturally sounds outrageous, but I think of it more like a test thing for future Fallout games where IRC might be probable (better restored world, using certain terminals, dunno). It would leave modders with new toys that surely would be used in a creative way. And it serves as a reason to buy the game rather then pirate it. If you use the service, you'd better have a valid key or bad stuff might happen. Like i.e. FADE, you won't notice it until further out in the game, when the game becomes unplayable with FADE activated preventions. Hell for the crackers to stay on top of.

But I can't help think that the price is hefty. Plenty extra development, possible cheats and hacks, connection security, central server reliability and so forth. Btw, I'm not discussing anything here, just throwing off pretty wild ideas.

Wasted time is wasted time, no matter who you give it to.

And yet, wasting time can be sooo much fun. I for one is never in a rush to complete the game, so wasting time in an inn may suit me fine from time to time.
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Vera Maslar
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:06 am

The thing is, this isn't Bungie...this is ES.

you meant bethesda ? xD
okok let me see if i get it, if it exists in other games then it shouldn't be implemented??
okok is dificult to understand then acording to your logic:

this is ES not red death redemption i say NO to the improved animal behavior
this is ES not GTA i say NO to the improved NPC behavior when you attack them
this is ES not fable i say NO to the facial tatoos or get works

mmm a tip for you: Just replay Oblivion dude

toucheee :thumbsup:

This is a silly idea, ESPECIALLY for a single player only game. I put the supporters this challenge:
Name 10 good reasons for having it or even implementing it in the first place.

Dragon age implement it and is a single player game did you noticed? xD and i won't check for ten good reasons xD you tell me 10 ways in wich it can afect you, dont want it dont use it

touchee again :thumbsup:
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 3:00 am

you meant bethesda ? xD
okok let me see if i get it, if it exists in other games then it shouldn't be implemented??
okok is dificult to understand then acording to your logic:

this is ES not red death redemption i say NO to the improved animal behavior!
this is ES not GTA i say NO to the improved NPC behavior when you attack them!
this is ES not fable i say NO to the facial tatoos!

mmm a tip for you: JUST REPLAY OBLIVION

I hate it when people do that, completly bypassing the point and just trying to make the other person who oppose their views bad, because the reasons stated just aren't good enough against their view.

you have the forums, by golly when of the best gosh dern forums ever to grace the amorphous puss filled mass that is the internet, not every Idea and implementation is a good nor needed one.
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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:58 pm

IRC in Skyrim would be pretty much this:

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Da Missz
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:32 am

Im pretty sure then big picture of this idea was a way to show off your customized character, and not to turn this into video game twitter.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:08 am

I hate it when people do that, completly bypassing the point and just trying to make the other person who oppose their views bad, because the reasons stated just aren't good enough against their view.

you have the forums, by golly when of the best gosh dern forums ever to grace the amorphous puss filled mass that is the internet, not every Idea and implementation is a good nor needed one.

i was just defending my point of view, woow people is so sensible around here!

Im pretty sure then big picture of this idea was a way to show off your customized character, and not to turn this into video game twitter.

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Rex Help
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:42 pm

I like the idea, they should just add it on to the forumes.
I lke the bioware ones for DAO so I can see my characters made and show them off and such, and people saying we already have this it is NOT the same thing, just look at the 2nd pic if you need help on seeing this
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:34 am

I love this forum. It's a great social place where folks who play the games I play can gather, share their ideas, help one another out, show screenshots of their characters and make some awesome mods. It's where we can sport our Steam and Xbox Live and PSN accounts and our websites all in our profile. We can follow the news, discuss the reviews do just generally enjoy one another's company. We can agree, disagree, agree to disagree and remain civil. It's an awesome community of mostly mature i intelligent people from all over the world who play the games I play. This place works for me. I love it here.

As far as I know, me being a 360 player does not have the option to take a screenshot of my game, unless I am missing something without the use of a camera....

Also I would rather not have to update the a pic if I did take it with a camera every hour or something just to show my progress, would rather the company in charge of the board do that for me so I wouldn't have to worry about it
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Alexandra Louise Taylor
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:06 pm

As far as I know, me being a 360 player does not have the option to take a screenshot of my game, unless I am missing something without the use of a camera....

Also I would rather not have to update the a pic if I did take it with a camera every hour or something just to show my progress, would rather the company in charge of the board do that for me so I wouldn't have to worry about it

:violin: same here, im a 360 player, and i hate that i can't share info as easy as a PC player :violin:

i just can describe my charac6ter with words xD
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