Why does ES need anything like this?
ES already has the best community for any game series, its right here.
Adding social stuff like what they do in other games is completely pointless when the community for this series is already so strong.
Want to share your character and gameplay? Press print screen, upload to imagshack, post away about your game on these forums

what? ok my english is very bad if you understand that, you won't be able to see what your freinds do in OTHER GAMES, you will only be able of see what they do in skyrim, got it, you will can see specific stuff like the items, the robes their characters are wearing, etc etc etc
then you want steam.
besides your wrong, this forum community can do all those things, its just not done automaticly. if you want to post pictures and states you can do so of your own volition. just start a thread for people to post character information. its done on the other tes pages, the only reason you dont see it on these pages is because the game hasn't been released yet. this is the community, there will probably be some other site in which your are thinking of but it wont have as many users as this site.
i know we can do that (i'm not stupid) -_- is just a lot of work for xbox users, anyway this post was for automate that process
I think he means a website where you can look up other people's characters. Like the OP said I am guessing it would feature a picture of your character, a section for screenshots, the stats of the character, list of completed quests, inventory and perhaps a comparison of two characters. Not neccesarily just forums. Pretty much what Bungie has for the Halo games, but more in depth stats for obvious reasons. I very much like this idea as it would mean that my friends could say something like "my character looks awseome" and then I could just go on the website and take a look, rather than have my friend describe his character.
THIS (i will use your description)