I was under the impression that the silencer and green eye scope were early unlocked in-game items. Makes sense, considering you're paying for that content. Also, someone mentioned the possibilty of the guns having weaker stats? Doubtful. Don't think they'll be stronger, per se, but probably have different stats to give them a different situational advantage over other pistol class weapons.
SD has said that the starting weapons are some of the best, most balanced guns. The highest unlocks are some of the most situational. If the pre-order weapons follow this pattern, then they are probably weaker than the other pistols except for the situations they are intended for. Any player who frequently uses shotguns or other situational weapons can tell you that getting caught out of your element is a really bad position to be in.
I doubt that it will be better than any of the other silencer... How can a sodacan be better? lol
you are right that it does not say that it is a skin - so maybe it is better it has diffrent stats...
- and I went for psycho pack because of the awesome helm and the silencer look

A simple water bottle is an excellent suppressor. With a few water bottles and a pringles can I can make a near perfect one. We really have no idea whats in the soda can, and it could be something that works really well.