@captain-ultima - Oh Yeah! New icons would be awesome! Send them my way and I will include them in the mod (with credit to you)!
Icons have been sent via PM, let me know if you didnt get it Willie.
that's really really odd. i would have never noticed it if you didn't point that out. i'm not sure if i'd be able to fix it though. it's even more strange that it would show up only in 3rd person...but maybe not: aren't there separate anims for both 1st and 3rd person views? if so, maybie one of the devs nudged the cell compartment by mistake. if that is the case, the only way to fix it would be to go in and modify the 3rd person reload anims.
That gives me a idea, let me try something with thereload anims and get back to you on it if it works the way i think it might......
EDIT: Nope, my idea didnt work, but i did find out enough to confirm that the broblem is indeed not in the gun but in the 3rd person reload animation, 1hpreloadf is the file name.
i was trying to make as close to a 1:1 reproduction as i could (lol it svcks that the only image available of it was the FO2 inventory pic). i wasn't planning on releasing it, but if other people like it i might release it as-is. its not really finished as the grip/guard part is not integrated with the main 'gun' part. plus i haven't UV'd the model yet. if someone else can finish it up i wouldn't mind sending it, provided that the original look be kept the same
I could try finishing the model if you wont mind me having a copy of it, im not exactly a master at it but its amazing how far you can get with a little cut and paste.