If the Soldiers grenades are tied to his ability bar, I just got a lot more love for them. I am a big fan of nades and good at using them. If I can have a near limitless supply, that is only limited by cooldown timers, that would be great, especially if only "special" grenades are tied to the cooldown, still giving me the ability to toss normal nades in the meantime. I was going to specialize a Soldier in nades anyway, but this gives me even more incentive. This is also good news for all us Heavy users
Those Lights can have their speed and mobility; we will be death dealing towers of destruction.
Also, Ed Stern said that from the first second you play, you will have all the skills to play all the classes - meaning you won’t need to unlock medkits or revive for Medic, you will start with them. I mention this because one of the Soldier’s Abilities is “Ammo Boxes,” which allows you to resupply your teammates on the battlefield with ammo. Now, if this is an unlockable ability, that means:
1. Handing out ammo is not considered a “standard” Soldier ability
2. It is an alternate way to distribute ammo. Perhaps like a stationary Ammo depot?
If it is the latter, then I wonder if the Medic or even the Engineer have something similar.