I have recently encountered an issue after starting up my game. I can have a very solid 90-120 FPS and my my game seems... jumpy. Before I go in depth I will say that I have mods but I have deactivated them all and even turned down my graphic settings but still experience this issue. The first time I noticed it, I was just outside of Falkreath. Now I know that is a heavily wooded area so I assumed that it was from my mods or the dense vegetation but now I'm experiencing this issue in the Ratway and other dungeons. I cannot escape it.
First, my system specs are as follows:
AMD FX-8350
EVGA Geforce 660 GTX 2 GB
8 Gig DDR 3 (I forget the speeds)
Gigabyte Motherboard.
I am running off a Solid State Drive.
I am quite fluent in setting up my computer. I have manually disabled any power saving options for my video card in both the power manager as well as the Nvidia Control Panel. I've done a few other common tweaks as well. I have attempted to allow the application to control my settings just to be sure that it wasn't any of the modifications I made to the Nvidia Control Panel.
Once again, I disabled all of my mods and ran it pure Vanilla on medium settings. Before, I had absolutely seamless and perfect gameplay on maximum settings with all of my enabled mods. I didn't notice a single instance of hiccups or shuddering. I read around a bit and saw something about others' with a similar issue which was fixed by running in windowed mode as well as 3rd person. Neither of these seem to affect my issue much. I can look at the ceiling in a dungeon and walking around with 120 fps (my monitor is 120hz, which is why I allow it to run at 120 fps) and it will seem like it's... bumping forward... I can't explain it well, if worse comes to worse I can attempt at making a video as I purchased Fraps a very long time ago.
As a TL;DR
Hiccups with solid framerate
Decent hardware
All my settings have been double/triple checked both game and computer
Mods on and off make no difference.
Happens everywhere.
Thanks in advance,