Hi everyone. Just found my old gamesas account and am eagerly following the upcoming ESO game.
Most of the videos and info I have seen relate to the PvP aspects of the game, but I was wondering if any beta-testers could give me an idea about well the game is done for solo adventuring? (I realize there is a NDA over most information so just vague general feelings about it is fine.)
I mean, does it feel like a single character can go and do enough stuff? Or is basically everything you do, need a group?
I have friends... a couple anyway, but I definitely will have a lot more time to play than they typically do. I will likely be getting the game regardless, if for no other reason then to travel around and look at all the great scenery, but I am hoping that there is enough content accessible to a single character to do stuff solo as well.
So any comments or info that doesn't violate the NDA would be great!