[BETA] Solstheim Castle: a cover version

Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:09 pm


As a beta, this mod is currently incomplete: most NPCs have not been added yet and those that are included do not have final AI packages. Some navmeshes are not yet finalised. The rooms are not optimized. The rest should, however, be broadly functional and in a generally fit-for-use condition. Your feedback is appreciated.

Project: Solstheim Castle: A Tribute
Author: princess_stomper
Version: 0.96
Release Date: 02/06/2013
Category: Houses
Website(s): Nexus


Skyrim + Update.esm
Dawnguard DLC
Dragonborn DLC


- Large, detailed, functional house with NPCs and services.

- Recreation of Korana's classic mod for Morrowind. Think of it like a band's cover version: not a facsimile, but evoking enough of the original for you to recognise what it is.

***YOU MUST DISABLE YOUR BORDERS: Add bBorderRegionsEnabled=0 in the [General] section in Skyrim.ini.***



A fortified manor house (as opposed to stronghold or warehouse) with many large, detailed rooms for each major "function" - bedrooms, alchemy lab, armory, etc. plus surrounding shops and services. There is no quest for ownership (it is assumed that you have retained or inherited the house from Morrowind's original owner), though a hidden dungeon provides a brief combat opportunity.


- Reception hall (inc banqueting table, balcony over stage area, small lounge)
- Reception room (with throne and space for entertaining)
- Kitchen
- Breakfast room*
- Servants' quarters
- (hidden vampire's quarters)*
- Armory, display room and training room
- Trophy room and menagerie
- Swimming pool
- Library
- (concealed shrine to Azura)
- Upper hall (with concealed private study), with small shrine area
- Master suite (with four-poster bed and antechamber)
- Lady's chambers (with four-poster bed, antechamber and walk-in wardrobe)
- Guest/companion chambers (sleeps two)
- Nursery (inhabited by your two young wards and their nanny + sleep-space for two more children)*
- Greenhouse
- Laboratory (with alchemy/enchanting tables, summoning room and planetarium)
- Exterior balcony/solar overlooking the docks*
- Courtyard*
- Barracks
- Blacksmith/trader
- Dungeon (with concealed necromancer's lair)
- Cellar (leading to treasury)
- Ripplewood Grove walled garden*
- Brondolf's Barrow (tomb)
- Stables

* The breafkast room, vamp's quarters, treasury and balcony are entirely new. The nursery replaces the Captain's Quarters and the Courtyard and Ripplewood Grove are exterior areas that have been relocated to walled interior-as-exterior cells.


Freyvid - Your steward and J'smin coincidentally share names with their ancestors (perhaps not so surprising, given the tradition of naming children after family members). Freyvid is your loyal aide, tasked with the day-to-day running of the castle and supervision of its staff

J'smin - Your Khajiiti housekeeper, who supervises the cook and cleaning staff. Her role is to ensure that the castle is always stocked with food and wine, but should nothing nearby appeal, just give her a coin and she'll supply you with something from the village

Jorleif - A bard, for your entertainment
Danica - A bard, for your entertainment

Joren Wolfmane - descended from a long line of castle blacksmiths

Ysabel - wife to Joren, Ysabel sells a variety of trinkets and useful wares

Anja - daughter of Joren and Ysabel

Safia and Tomas - your wards. As is common in this part of the world, young charges may be sent to live in a noble household for a variety of reasons: as hostages to keep their parents in line, as refugees from the conflict in their homeland, or simply as a more suitable environment for their upbringing

Agnis - The castle's nanny and nursemaid, responsible for the supervision and education of the household's children


In Korana's original mod, Varldshav Village surrounded the castle to the south. Unfortunately, Bethesda added Horker Island and the Dwemer ruin to the original location, which means that this castle had to be built slightly northeast of Korana's original location, and there was physically no room for the village. Therefore, the inhabitants, 200 years on, have moved onto a ship that houses the tavern (Davie's Locker) with a daily market up on deck.


Manual Instructions

1) Extract the contents of the ZIP folder into your Data folder, preserving filepaths intact
2) Ensure that Solstheim Castle is checked (ticked) in the Data Files list when you start to run Skyrim


Manual Instructions

1) Delete the files/folders associated with the mod


None that I'm aware of.

Known Issues:

See line 1


02/06/13 : version 0.96 beta release

Contact Details:


Thanks to Bethesda for creating Skyrim.
Thanks to Korana for creating her incredible mods

InsanitySorrow - Pillows, towels, bathtub, soap, lanterns, toys, mortar & pestle, crystal ball, paintings, spools of thread
Lilith - Ready Clutter & Furnishings 1.1 (shelves, basins) inc resources by InsanitySorrow, Tamira et al
Teddy Bears by Tamira, Arion & thefree3dmodels.com/Arbitor
Runspect - toilet, bonsai tree, calla lilies, bottle, harp, flasks, tea set
mighty_joe_young - piano and seat

Tools Used:


PLEASE DO NOT redistribute this mod (including as a part of other mods) during the beta stage without permission (unless I get hit by a bus or something) - I'd like to keep a rein on it until it's version 1.0 or higher, after which you can do what you like with it provided that it's properly credited and nobody's trying to charge money for it.

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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:16 pm

Sounds good.

Now we just need someone to cover Lokken Island as well.
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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:41 am

Great stuff.

But how do I get the images larger? I can't truly appreciate the epic details with the small size. I have a visual imparity and need things large

I guess the better question is...do you have any larger pics available?
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Katie Pollard
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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 1:03 am

Not at the moment, but I'll bear your comment in mind and when I'm a little further along I'll take some more screens in a bigger size.
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Anna S
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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 8:12 am

Brilliant! I like your previous work and your attention to detail is amazing. I look forward to future showings as well as a highly anticipated release.
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P PoLlo
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:55 pm

Thanks! Although I'm basically taking my cues from Korana re "attention to detail" - where she puts a candle, I put a candle, unless I happen not to have the thing she used (e.g. scatter cushions) and then have to make a substitution.
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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:57 am

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Tom Flanagan
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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 3:05 am

Wow - thanks!
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TOYA toys
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:50 pm

You're welcome
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Marta Wolko
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 11:21 pm

http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1430840-req-solstheim-castle/. Rest assured that you have an automatic, built-in fanbase for this mod.
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CHangohh BOyy
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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:43 am

Oh, hehehe, I didn't see that.

I certainly hope that she'd have no objection to me working on this, but she did trust me enough to let me look after a WIP of hers while she took a hiatus, once, so I'm basing my not-minding assumption on that
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Louise Dennis
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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:52 am

It should also be noted that Lokken is not returning.
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Steve Smith
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 5:53 pm

Well, Emma's still around
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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 3:51 am

Quick update: I've now completed the following rooms:

- Great Hall (inc dining area)
- Kitchen
- Servants' quarters (though I'm considering adding a bathroom, even if there isn't one in the original mod)
- Secret shrine
- Dance hall
- Library (large study)
- Armory and training area
- Trophy room and menagerie
- Upper hall (inc Imperial shrine)
- Children's bedroom (was Captain's Quarters, but obviously 200 years later is no captain!). I've added in two children that you will "inherit", they'll have their own nanny so you don't have to feel responsible for them, and I've given them double bedrooms in case you find a way to somehow bring your Hearthfire children along so they can all share a room.
- Guest/companion quarters - I've swapped the double bed for two single beds in case you have two companions
- Bathroom
- Greenhouse
- Master bedroom - I've put the private study in the same cell via a secret cabinet-door (one that opens out) rather than in a separate cell via a transporting book to reduce the number of cell-loads. The secret access to/from the Lady's Chambers will be via a wardrobe-door (teleporting) but I'll re-use the (opening) secret cabinet-door to make the walk-in wardrobe in the Lady's Chambers. I'll have to mess around with occlusion planes to stop you looking out through the bedroom windows and seeing the hidden study, but if it doesn't render that bit until you walk in it, it should be nicely hidden. The bedroom windows are some of the few that don't have "views" - I'll play around with the settings to see if "show sky" works without "use sky lighting", so you can at least see clouds.

That means I'm about halfway through the castle interiors.

Once I've finished the whole of the upper floor - which effectively completes the castle's interior - I'll upload a load of new screenshots and probably make a brief teaser video. Obviously the exterior hasn't even been begun yet.

Quick question: does anyone know where I can download a clawfoot bath tub resource? I'm currently using another bathtub, which will do, but it's not a clawfoot tub.
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carrie roche
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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 2:03 am

I am looking forward to this.
Korana did some stunnning work in Morrowind.
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joseluis perez
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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 6:53 am

Not sure if anyone has created one, if they haven't I might be able to help.
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Nicole Kraus
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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 2:46 am

Well, Porscha did make http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/3113/tub1v.jpg one, but AFAIK she never uploaded it, and hasn't thus far responded to my PM about it.

What I'd specifically like is a bath like the white one in http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/images/27167-1-1252987988.jpg mod for Morrowind, because obviously that would match more closely the tub (as depicted) by Robearberbil that Korana used in her original mod. If you could make something like that, I'd be very grateful - and of course I can always use Porscha's tub in another mod if she uploads it.
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Cedric Pearson
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 5:26 pm

That may sound stupid, but any chances of seeing a vampire version of it?
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:06 pm

It's not stupid, but it wouldn't fit in with the "brief", i.e. a translation of Korana's original mod. I am mindful of vampires, though, since I will be bringing Serana along, so there will be a coffin or two to sleep in. There are one or two "evil" areas, a rather creepy-looking summoning chamber behind a hidden door, and lots of fancy "magic" areas for those less keen on the mundane. I don't think a vampire would feel too out of place there.

Bear in mind that one of my in-progress mods is a clean-up of the vampire castle from Dawnguard anyway - it just spruces the place up a little bit - so if you really don't like this one, you might enjoy that one.
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 5:53 pm

And I hope there will be people to feed upon in all safety and impunity.
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Robert Devlin
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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 2:34 am

Something close to that wouldn't be too difficult to do, http://tesalliance.org/forums/uploads/gallery/album_305/gallery_378_305_409934.jpg.
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Cathrin Hummel
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:50 pm

YUS, I loved her Castle in Morrowind lol glad you're going for it Princess_Stompa, am I mistaken that this is the Castle with a Observation room with Solstiems wildlife in a mini habitat behind a glass?
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:53 pm

That's wonderful! Yes, if the tub could be in white, that would be perfect! Thank you!

Yup, not a very good screenshot, but this is it in my mod: http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e367/princess_stomper/Solstheim%20Castle%20-%20a%20cover%20version/sc1041_zpsd59c2d74.jpg
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Nathan Risch
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Post » Mon Jun 03, 2013 1:01 am

I think white might be a little too clean for Skyrim , http://i390.photobucket.com/albums/oo346/InsanitySorrow/TubSilver_zpscedf1667.jpg, I've uploaded the tub to my Junk Yard on TESA.
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Devin Sluis
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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 11:40 pm

That's very kind - thank you! But I got an error message when I went to download the file.
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Lakyn Ellery
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