I actually think that damage should be revamped completely. Seriously, how the hell did a bunch of werewolves knock down fortified stone walls? If someone had told me ahead of time, you know what I would've been expecting to come back to? Piles of dead soldiers, pieces of destroyed armor, claw marks, destroyed furniture, and bloodstains. Everywhere, especially inside, where the werewolves went to capture Captain Carius. You know the fight had to have gotten bloodier once the Hounds breached the interior of the curtain. When you go in there, nearly everyone should be dead, tore up by werewolves.And how did any of them fight those werewolves without becoming one themselves? That should be worked in somehow, maybe have the player be tasked with putting the person out of their misery, or perhaps the NPC runs off and the player can either go find them, or risk running into them later when they're gotten the hang of turning furry and scary at night.You know what? I think I'm going to re-write the entire Bloodmoon MQ, see if anybody's interested in doing it. I don't know that I want to do it myself (have a lot of projects as it is), but I definitely have ideas on how it could be improved dramatically.
agreed, think i'll make some new activators that appear after the fight. i'm sure i can get some decals somewhere. Also, how about making it so that the fort doesn't get it's walls blown to pieces? just gates... doors... couple of bricks here and there, etc.
Those are great and much more realistic ideas, Architect. I wonder if they would work with Wollibeebee's project. I noticed there are not a lot of trees in your screenshots, Wolli. Is that because you're leaving room so that Vurt's trees will fit in and not clip any of the ones you've placed? This will still be NOM and COM compatible, right?
what screens? cause if it's the mountain screens; i haven't started working on falsaad.
No, unless someone wants to make compatibility patches (unless they're not needed)
also, i'm not sure about restoring the Fort, after it's gone it's gone... but some sorta extra -script-reversing-plugin- will be alright